The Power of Visualizing Your Perfect Life First

by | Oct 3, 2008

The power of visualization has been known for a long time, and yet, it seems that so few people actually utilize this powerful tool.

In a wonderful book, The Brain That Changes Itself, by Norman Doidge, M.D., he talks about how simply visualizing what we want and that “imagining an act engages the same motor and sensory programs that are involved with doing it.” He goes on to say, “Everything your ‘immaterial’ mind imagines leaves material traces. Each thought alters the physical state of your brain synapses at a microscopic level. Each time you imagine moving your fingers across the keys to play the piano, you alter the tendrils in your living brain.” The book is fascinating to say the least!

OK, so what does this have to do with money and creating wealth you may be asking yourself. I think everything!

Getting good with something takes practice, sometimes a hours and hours and sometimes a lifetime.

Getting good with money begins in the brain. This is why in all of our programs we teach that, “Your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes dictate your wealth potential.” It’s best to have your money thoughts in order before have a bunch of it come into your life or it just may leave your life quicker than you wanted it to.

The research on visualizing to enhance a physical skill shows definite results. Over and over again, they (the infamous ‘they’ that do the research and say these things) have shown that visualizing playing the piano or throwing free throws or hitting a golf ball (oh, that was me!), will improve the skill just as much as actually practicing it. Now, you may be be saying, Yah, right, to yourself but I promise it works. Here’s the trick though…you MUST know how to hit the ball right or have some type of training or coaching so that you’re visualizing getting the ball in and swinging the club correctly.

Visualizing your life exactly as you wish it doesn’t ‘seem’ to really fit into this context or framework of a physical skill but it is in many ways. Your perfect life is in essence, a physical manifestation of that visualization. The difference, and probably the part that no one can ‘prove’ yet (or maybe they can:-) is that the visualization sets up an energetic field that then brings like to like.


We commonly hear that opposites attract but I have not found that to be the case. In magnets, yes, but not really in humans. It’s more that emptiness or voids tend to be filled by someone who has the characteristics your particular character needs to feel fulfilled or complete or satisfied in some way.

In terms of money and wealth and creating your own life, visualization works. For whatever reason, it just does. And I think it does because as your mind thinks in a certain way it begins to wear new pathways (like a trail) so that thinking in that way becomes easier and natural and as this happens, we are drawn to the things that we need to fulfill and create that life.

I’m not sure if any of this makes any sense or maybe it all makes sense. I do know that the entire topic causes me much wonder and that I have dream boards and visualizations that I use and so far so good.

One thing I know for sure…even it you don’t believe it, it won’t hurt you to try it and build a dream board and put on some nice relaxing music and bring to mind your perfect life. Go ahead…try it. You know you want to:-). And don’t blame me if it works!


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