The ‘New’ Economy…Anything Goes!

by | Mar 12, 2009

Have you noticed there is rarely anything in the news today but bad news. Perhaps that is the actual definition of news. I’m not sure why, as an animal, we’re so obsessed with what is going wrong in the world, but we are.

We are so focused right now with ‘the’ economy that we have forgotten the most basic of Creative Wealth Principle:

You are the CEO of your own life! That means YOU are in charge of creating your own economy.

Why do we hand over our power? Why do we put our children in schools that force facts down their throats and then test them on those regurgitated facts without ever asking if those facts are going to help them later on in life? Why don’t we insist as parents and teachers that we go back to teaching children information and skills that are relevant to their lives? We DO have the power to do this! We have just forgotten the blood from which we came…

If you are reading this, I’d like you to consider doing this:

1) Ask your children each day what they learned at school and how it might relate to their lives.
2) If they don’t have a clue and you don’t have a clue, ask their teacher.
3) If their teachers doesn’t have a clue, ask the principal.
4) If the principal doesn’t know, keep going up the ladder until you find out why.


And if you don’t ever get an answer that feels right for you and your child, either move your child, teach him/her/them yourself or get the parents and teachers in your area together to raise a fit. Demand that they stop testing children (look up the dangers of testing on Google or better yet, read a great book called Smart Moves by Carla Hanniford).

What does this have to do with the New Economy? Everything!

  • When we teach kids to think for themselves they become leaders.
  • When we teach kids to understand money and investments, they become more responsible for themselves, better leaders, better politicians.
  • When we teach kids to take care of themselves, we’ll have fewer victims and more human beings that will be less concerned with ‘stuff’ and more concerned with the quality of life for every human being on the planet.

So, how is YOUR economy?


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