The Money Jars

by | Jan 27, 2006

Money is one of the things your children absolutely, positively have to know about as you grow them and prepare them for a life on their own (unless you WANT them to move back home:-). Fact is, more kids drop out of college because of financial reasons than for academic reasons! By preparing them to be responsible with money giving them the information and tools they need to actually build and accumulate wealth, you prepare them for a life of success, realized dreams and financial freedom.

Our Money Jars is a fun, simple system of money allocation that anyone can do to begin seeing that the financial resources in their lives has many rolls: living expenses, savings, investing, education, play and charity (donation). By helping kids set up this system (and setting an example by setting up your own ‘jars’ system) you are preparing them for a life of financial security…something we all deserve! For more information or to purchase a set of jars, visit or call us at 805-957-1024.


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