Teaching Your Children How to Mind Map

by | Jan 17, 2009

If your children’s lives are anything like yours, they are filled to the brim with ‘to do’ lists. And if their minds are anything like mine, those lists get lost in the shuffle, don’t make any sense in terms of what goes when and where and create a sense of overwhelm even thought they are supposed to sooth them mind instead.

You see, most students (and adults for that matter) are never taught how to plan or take notes or even makes lists. And yet, what we end up doing, it making lists linearly, on paper or the computer, from top to bottom. Fact is though, most of us are visual or kinesthetic learners so we respond better and plan better with pictures. And when you think about it, most projects aren’t linear at all. There are all sorts of pieces and parts that are needed to create something that works and works well.

Well, I have a suggestion…teach them about mind maps. Better yet, if they use a computer well (don’t they all now?), download this free program called FREEMAPS and teach them how to use it to literally map out their projects, goals, processes and lives.

I just learned about this program on an Internet Marketing Cruise (yes, a cruise!) and already it is making my life simpler. I can literally see what needs to be done and when. I have made several maps; one for each project I am working on and one global one and they work together.

If you can teach your child how to plan like this early on, just imagine how much more productive he or she will be in college and in their careers.

To download this software and to get some great ‘how to use it’ info, click here!

Mind map away!


  1. Victor

    Very good point!

    The first thing we all must learn to do, beyond facing those bills, is to take a 10% share of what we have earned and put this away for our future….NOT, YOU WILL NOTE…… for future worthy purchases, our children’s education, or a trip to Cinque Terre in Italy…..NO FOR OUR FUTURE WELFARE! You take care of all other things only AFTER you have paid yourself. Anyone who is married realizes just how daunting this can be, especially, with kids falling out trees, happy mothers-in-law needing outfits for totally unexpected weddings and for that something that always seems to be falling off the truck! This will be your first test: Are you committed? Are you strong? Think you can out reason your spouse, your child, your friends, your mother? Good!

    Great stuff! Thanks, Vic.

  2. creative children

    Nice post about Teaching Your Children How to Mind Map for all creative children, it helps a lot in how to guide our child’s in their creativity stage. hope to see more soon, Thanks!


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