Promoting Yourself, NOT your programs!

by | Jun 19, 2008

Hi everyone. As you all know, or at least many of you, it is sometimes downright impossible to figure out how to fill the Camp Millionaire programs you so carefully schedule and get excited about. We’ve been experiencing this for quite some time and have only recently discovered that there IS an answer. I’d like to introduce you to a new idea that is working for us and where we will be focusing our energies in the future.

We have known for years that the most challenging part of doing a camp is not doing the camp, or scheduling the camp, or placing the advertising for the camp, or preparing for the camp. The most difficult part is getting the ‘butts in seats’ as it is called in the seminar industry (and yes, that IS the industry we’re in). Here at CWI, we sometimes spend upwards of $6500 in a summer to get the word out and as you  might imagine, there’s not a whole lot of margin in the camps when you have to spend that much for the butts (albeit little ones:-).

So, what we’re finding is this…when someone ELSE puts the butts in seats, it’s a much better thing. Locally, we have three private camps this summer (and by private I mean we’re not getting the butts in seats but simply showing up to teach the programs) that we’ll actually have decent numbers for and will actually also come out ahead.

So, this is my suggestion and where I’m going to steer you guys (and gals) from now on: find an organization that is already doing camps and programs for kids; one that already has access to parents who want great stuff for their kids; one that is looking for another valuable and unique program it can offer to it’s database. THIS is when we will really be successful with our programs.

Now, am I saying not to host your own programs? No, absolutely not. But just remember, it’s best not to recreate the wheel so if there is already a wheel created in your community, do your very best to hitch a ride. My sense is that this approach is going to be soooo much easier.

Illustration: our new Canadian licensee, Jorge Ramos (go Jorge!!!) is doing his first 8 camps (8) through his local college that already has camp programs set up. His goals is to have Camp Millionaires on at least 10 additional college campuses next summer. How many of YOU live or work near a college campus that offers programs to kids?

Think about it…let’s do good AND make money!!! And show our kids how to do the same.

So, I think the next step is to create marketing and promotional brochures like our corporate one that show others our services. If anyone of you has some wonderful marketing skills and would like to help me with this, please send me an email! I’d love some help.

Oh, a couple of new Creative Wealth Principles:

1) Helping others is helping yourself (thanks to Steve…the boyfriend) and

2) Prior Proper Planning leads to Peace and Prosperity

Have a good night! Your E


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