Money Judgments…What Are Yours?

by | Aug 21, 2012

Money…in the worldly scope of making it and using it for whatever we need and want, there are many judgments and opinions about its use. We judge…

  • How it’s made
  • How it’s spent
  • How it’s invested
  • How it’s donated
  • How we think about it
  • Who makes how much and how they make it
  • Whether or not it should even be necessary

The fact is, however, it IS necessary…that is until we figure out some other way of getting the materials goods and services we need for life.

Money and The Internet

With the advent of the Internet, many people who might otherwise be out in the world, struggling to get by, found a new way to earn and make money. If they had a great product or service idea, they could now market that great idea on the internet and reach more people than traditional marketing ever dreamt of reaching…for far less money.

And if they didn’t have their own ideas, they could learn how to market other people’s ideas (we could coin a whole new acronym…OPI 🙂 by becoming successful affiliate marketers.

It’s been a great boon to college graduates who couldn’t find the jobs they thought they’d be handed after graduation, high school students who see through the entire ‘gotta get a job’ con and the 30 or 40 year olds who are exhausted from working too many hours making other people money.

The Internet has truly leveled the money making playing field and I for one am all for it! Finally, people can learn to make money from home so they can take care of their children, pets, older parents, gardens, and more. For many of us, working at home is a lifestyle we would do just about anything not to give up.

All this being said, a few weeks ago, I discovered a company called Empower Network that is teaching people how to make money on the internet…and they are doing it in the most brilliant way…by giving them, for $25/month!, a completely pre-designed, ready to work, blogging system that’s built on a platform that drives traffic just because of the system. (The explanation of this takes another blog if you don’t understand what drives internet traffic yet.)

The Empower Network is so strong that I joined myself and am thrilled with the opportunity. I TEACH people to constantly look for opportunities (and there are millions of them) that will allow them to make money and do good. I love combining those two things!

Well, this morning, I got a letter from one of my Money Game coaches who sweetly questioned what I was up to…not understanding their entire program. He didn’t understand why Empower is doing what they are doing and doesn’t realize the amazingly honest opportunity the two young men behind Empower have created for people literally around the globe, to make money and do good.

Here’s the letter I received (unsigned of course)…

I’m a little surprised you’ve taken the Empower Network approach, and I believe that you may profit from it now, probably learn a lot, but at a cost of your integrity. Of course I could be wrong, but the Empower Network has been around for a couple years and already many people are complaining at the lack of integrity ie hidden costs, inaccurate and misleading claims of profits, predictable (even comical) NLP tactics that so many people fall for, etc.

While I do support The Money Game and mission to increase financial literacy, I do not support Empower Network affiliation and their particular MLM deceptively. If I have over looked something and you can enlighten me, please do so..


And here’s my answer to this letter which I’m sure you’ll enjoy…

Good morning J…

Thank you for your letter. Rest assured, my integrity is fully intact and I know what I’m doing. I spent many, many evenings researching this company, the players and their approach.

While I am not your typical MLM girl in that I do not like to do parties, sell vitamins or hair shampoo, I do wholeheartedly approve of network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing and direct selling, as a brilliant business model that works for a lot of people. And network marketing shouldn’t be confused with a pyramid scheme. They are completely different. One is illegal and unethical and the other is legal and sound.

The fact is, Empower Network hasn’t been around for two years…they are less than a year old. The people who might be complaining are people who complain about just about everything anyway…and they don’t understand the program.

Emppower is marketing a product, a blogging system, that is ready to use, and helps people build an internet marketing business brilliantly. Blogging and internet marketing are very acceptable ways of making a living in this day and age and Empower has provided the most amazing way of doing this…and I’ve seen a ton of things come and go on the internet.

The two men who started Empower Network, David Wood and David Sharp, aka Dave and Dave, are full of integrity and they want to help people succeed, not only by making money but by learning that they CAN make money and do good with their money.

We’ve already seen people earn enough money to pay their mortgages on homes they were about to lose so their familes didn’t have to move and people being able to pay medical bills (I know this one personally) and other great stories. These same people would be in a world of financial hurt if they had to go out and look for a job to pay these critical expenses.

There is such taboo around money…the making of it, the spending of it, the saving of it, the investing of it, the donating of it…it’s the most interesting substance on the planet. Making money in and of itself is critical to one’s success in life. How much money we have affects our health (food, water, shelter, medical) and our happiness.

If we make judgments about how money must be made, i.e., you must work hard for it, you must make it doing good, you must earn it from a job, etc., we spend our lives judging others and often times, are never financially successful ourselves. I have been doing money coaching for years and I see this all the time.

The Empower Network guys have created great thing. They are empowering people all over the world, literally, by giving people a decent honest way to make money and they are teaching them how to make money not just by blogging and sharing what they know but by using the marketing techniques to sell/market/spread anything they might have a passion for…for instance, financial education programs that change the world. :-).

I appreciate your concern, but don’t listen to the naysayers. I did the research. Empower Network is a great organization with a heart-filled purpose and I’m enjoying learning from these two young knuckleheads (David Wood has the silliest laugh:) very much!

Hope that helps…

Have a fabulous day…Elisabeth

The bottom line is that the more judgment we attach to people and their money, the more we judge ourselves with money and the more we judge ourselves with money, the worse our financial situations become.

It may not make total sense, but I’ve seen it over and over again in my coaching business.

Your wealth work for today is to look at your money judgments…what are they, who do they concern, where do you spend the most energy judging money and most importantly, what are your judgments about yourself and money?

I promise that if you’ll spend a bit of time looking at the answers to these questions, you might just learn why you have the money challenges you have…and we all have them…it’s just that we all have money challenges that are unique to our personal judgments.

As always, just something else to think about…


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