Money Camps expand Internationally

by | Mar 7, 2007

Well, as of the end of February, 2007, we have now licensed our Money Camp financial literacy program to Brazil, Singapore, Jamaica and Poland. Our original goal of having Money Camps all over the world by 2010 is making progress. Financial literacy isn’t just a problem in the US. We received emails weekly from people around the world who want to make a difference by improving the financial literacy of their countries population.

Financial literacy has long threads through our population. One of my favorite things to ask the attendees of our fabulous teacher training camps is this, “How does it serve our government to keep us financially illiterate?” One of our goals in Money Camp is to create a new generation of leaders. Not sheep, not employees, not little soldiers who do what they are told even when their hearts and souls are telling them what they are doing is wrong, but leaders. It’s going to take a new generation of leaders to restore this country its freedoms. And a whole new generation of adults who value financial freedom and self-reliance instead of financial dependence is the key!


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