The Language of Money Activity Lesson

by | Jun 1, 2010

Learning about money is just like learning about any other subject…there are words that are specific to the topic that you must know and understand in order to put the information you’re learning to use for your benefit.

Assets, liabilities, saving, investing, debt and credit and on and on and on.

So imagine two groups of kids (any age by the way…I’ve done this with adults and it’s hilarious so the concept works with any group of words) standing behind a line of tape. Add the language of money and two fly swatters and you’re up and running. Oh…and be prepared to laugh!

Rich people know the Language of Money and learning this language is critical to becoming financially free in life. The Language of Money Activity Lesson can be used with any financial education curriculum and because the words are laid out in Word document, you are free to change the font and/or add any additional words you wish!

Purchase this financial education activity

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botton Click here to download Language of Money Activity Lesson (for educational environment).Click here to download Language of Money Activity Lesson (for family environment).
video Click here to watch the Video Lesson for The Language of Money
Click here to download the Language of Money Sign (for the wall)


And as always, if you have questions about any activity, please call the office at 805-957-1024 or email[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


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