Financial Principle Contest – Learning The Rules To The Money Game!

by | Dec 29, 2010

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I have often heard it said that “Repetition is the mother of skill.” This quote is often attributed to Anthony Robbins but I’m sure it’s been said by several others. The point is, we learn things best by doing them, or saying them, over and over again.

T. Harv Eker often says in his personal growth seminars, “When I say something, it’s one thing, but when YOU say something, it’s EVERYTHING.” In other words, when it comes out of our own mouth, we take ownership of the information, opinion, choice, etc. more so than we do when we just agree with someone else saying it.

So, imagine that we want our Money Game participants to remember the following financial principles, aka rules to The Money Game:

and my all time favorite…

Don’t you think your participants/students might learn the principles quicker and easier, and remember them longer, if they go over them many times in your programs? They will! And we have a couple of activities that will help you help them remember these important financial principles for the rest of their lives.

This activity is called The Principle Contest because it’s, well…a contest about the principles.

As a Money Game coach, you have access to the 10 principles that are taught in the basic game. When you purchase this activity, you will have access to all of our principles and can download this complete file below.

Since the activity is quite simple, but very fun and effective, there is no video. If you have a question about any part of the activity, as always, send me an email at Enjoy!

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botton Click here to download the Principle Contest Activity Lesson.

Click here to download the 26 Creative Wealth Principles (aka Rules to The Money Game)

Click here to download the Principle Contest Activity Page



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