Financial Awareness is the first step to Financial Freedom

by | Dec 14, 2009

OK, so there’s are hundreds of financial words out there floating around and many of them can be a little intimidating at first. But here’s the thing…when you want to get really good at something, do you usually let a few letters get in your way?

Think about the last time you decided you wanted to learn a new skill or hobby. Did you let the language of that skill or hobby get in the way? Probably not. You just learned what you could, asked people who knew more than you to explain what you didn’t understand, and slowly but surely, you got good at your new skill or hobby.

The same thing works with money…except that we entangle who we are in the world with our net worth, bank account, credit cards, debt, number of houses we own, and on and on.

It seems everyone wants to be financially free right now! Or at least as soon as possible but appears that many aren’t willing to do what it takes to get that way.

The process isn’t difficult, but it does take some education, learning a new language, letting go of your preconceived beliefs that learning how to handle and grow money is difficult. It’s not. It’s just learning one thing and then applying it to your life and then repeating those steps over and over again.

So, next time you hear or read a financial word of sentence that you don’t understand, instead of shivering and avoiding it, write it down, look it up, call a financial advisor or ask your local bank employee. My money’s on the idea that there’s a lot of folks out there who are more than happy to help you on this financial freedom journey of yours.

And if you have children, take them on this journey as well.

Just something to think about…

1 Comment

  1. free articles 4all

    Oh..wonderfull post and great information.


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