Even Search Engines Struggle With Money

by | May 11, 2010

So, here we are, a financial education company who’s mission it is to teach basic, but immensely critical, financial principles to kids, teens and adults, primarily focusing on women.

We send out emails and such about our programs and most of them contain the words ‘wealth’ or ‘money’ or ‘financial’ and you know what? A lot of what we send out ends up in people’s spam folders.

Search Engine

Search Engines Hate Money

Why? Because regular people who have poor financial beliefs and think that emails shouldn’t contain anything to do with MONEY, have decided FOR US, the general public, that we don’t have enough sense or ability to filter our own emails.

One of the aspects of money that Creative Wealth teaches is how our core money beliefs, our financial foundation as I call it, dictate our wealth potential. If you think that money is bad in any way, shape or form, you do whatever it takes, usually subconsciously, to get rid of it.

Our societal financial beliefs are one of the most amazing things I have ever studied and wondered about in my life. They are reflected back to us in almost everything we do and the fact that we, as a company, can’t even send out legitimate emails about our financial education programs just shows you how pervasive the belief that if it has anything to do with money or wealth, it must be a bad thing.

Just a little something to think about…

1 Comment

  1. Linette Daniels- The Youth Success Doctor

    Elisabeth, I agree with your concerns and the state of the economy does not help the number of financial scams entering the horizon. It is critical, now more than ever, that we teach our children how to manage money. Hopefully they won’t make the same mistakes we made nor will they fall for these new & improved “something for nothing” scams.

    Linette Daniels


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