Define Your Worth From The Inside Out

by | Jun 14, 2012

Guest post by Valery Satterwhite

Henry David Thoreau once said, “Wealth is the ability to experience a free and full life“. We think that money is what will give us that ability – and that’s just not true. Think about it..

Do you know a wealthy person who feels anything be free. She’s living a life that isn’t her own.

Do you know someone with a lot of money who feels empty instead of fulfilled? His life lacks meaning and purpose.


Money can’t create our experiences because experiences are created from within. They’re informed by our inner dialog. Furthermore, money can’t buy what we want and need the most – a sense of love, belonging and meaningful significance.

In order to experience the life Thoreau speaks of you have to define your worth from the inside out. Rigorously challenge your inner status quo when making spending and investment decisions. The next time you’re about to make a major purchase ask yourself this…

“If no one were to see me with it, in it, beside it, wearing it – or know that I would have it – would I still buy it?”

If the answer is NO, dig deep. What is it that you’re really trying to buy with that purchase? Remember, nothing outside of you can give you what you want and need the most.

If you want to feel respected, you have to respect yourself. If you want to feel valued and validated, you have to value and validate yourself. If you want to feel loved, you have to first be able to love yourself, unconditionally.

Besides, there isn’t a Prada bag in the world that is packaged with sustaining self-esteem. The bottom line is, it takes a strong sense of inner wealth in order to experience an outer one.

Today is the day for you to realize that you, and you alone, are your greatest asset. The time is now for you to capitalize on and leverage your human assets – your wealth of spirit – as much (if not more) than your financial assets.

Why? Because the life you lead is the legacy you ultimately leave.

You can see what Valery Satterwhite is up to at


  1. Dr Peter J. Levy

    This article, “Define your worth from the Inside Out” by Valery Satterwhite gave me a most extraordinary opportunity to have a conversation (from a 3rd party article…it wasn’t just their father lecturing) regarding money, it’s place in their lives, what their core values are and what is truly important.

    They took the time to talk with me at length and shared feelings that otherwise might not have surfaced as easily.

    Thanks to Elisabeth Donati and her non-stop promotion of financial education, financial freedom and financial literacy for children/young adults (and it applies to those of us that are a bit older as well).

    May they be spared many of the common mistakes I have made over the years.

    • Elisabeth

      Thanks Peter and so glad it was helpful to your girls. When family’s start talking about money they start having deeper communication about a lot of other things for some reason. So happy it helped…

  2. Lola Paredes

    Great wisdom in this article. Freedom to Be from the inside out is where a wealthy life begins. Thank you for sharing this blog Ms. E. I love you!

    • Elisabeth

      Thanks Lola. I know you completely understand! Hugs, E

  3. Dan Yarbrough

    These words are so true. Thanks for sharing them with us. We keep reverting back to 3 questions when making a questionable purchase.
    1) Why do I want this?
    2) Is it worth the life energy I’ve spent to earn the
    money to pay for it?
    3) Will I truly be satisfied?

    Simple questions that put it into perspective for us.
    For me, I’ve found that if I’m at the point of asking myself these questions. I already know I don’t need it;) Crazy stuff huh!
    Thanks again Ms. E! Let’s break the cycle for our children to have a chance in this new world

    • Elisabeth

      Those are great questions Dan. For the most part, as we get older and wiser, it’s like I teach…we don’t want the thing we think we want. We want the feeling we ‘think’ the thing is going to bring us. Thanks for adding to the discussion. Beautiful!


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