Creative Wealth announces all new Women’s Financial Workshop!

by | Jan 1, 2016

Santa Barbara, California – Creative Wealth Intl., LLC announces their exciting new women’s financial workshop, Celebrating Women & Wealth, to be held in Santa Barbara, CA, March 12-13, 2016 at the fabulous Fess Parker Resort.

financial education women

It’s not a secret that many women have a difficult time understanding money in a way that helps them be financially successful. After all, we’re rarely taught about money and investing in school or at home. Fortunately, help is right around the corner.

Creative Wealth, well-known for their unique, eye-opening, highly-effective, fun and engaging youth money camps on all things wealth related, recently announced the kick-off of their new women’s program with a special women’s workshop called, “Celebrating Women & Wealth” for women age 16 and up.

Experts agree, money is one of the most misunderstood substances on the planet, especially among women in a culture that often leaves them at a distinct disadvantage. Here are a few reasons women struggle with money:

  • Women live longer than men requiring more money needed for retirement.
  • Women’s health-care is often more expensive than men’s and high health care costs often make a huge difference in women’s ability to stay healthy.
  • Since 50% of marriages end in divorce, women often wind up raising children on their own with little to no alimony or child support.
  • Women lose, on average, 14 years of earning potential due to raising children on one end and taking care of elderly parents on the other.
  • Women have a hard time talking about money…they are full of shame embarrassed because they don’t understand it.

The truth is that women, however, are often better investors than men once they learn the ropes. Clearing up confusions about money and creating wealth can quickly transform a woman’s life.

financial workshop women

In that spirit, Creative Wealth, a leader in financial literacy education, recently announced this new women’s workshop focused on teaching women a whole new way to think about money…a feminine way.  Celebrating Women & Wealth is scheduled for March 12-13, 2016 and will be led by Elisabeth Donati, creator of Camp Millionaire and The Money Game, and Marjean Holden, Actress and International Transformational Trainer. Both instructors are experts in Accelerated Learning Techniques that promise to make the workshop fun and engaging for everyone.

Asked why offer a financial program just for women, Elisabeth Donati, owner of Creative Wealth stated, “Because money means different things to women. We think about it differently and it’s just easier for us to learn about money and investing in a room full of supportive women like ourselves.”

According to Donati, the program will include a look at “The Six M’s of Money” (minding, making, managing, multiplying, mending and mentoring), the art of making peace with money, the critical difference between earning and making money, a simple money management system that really works, a get-out-of-debt fast technique to help reduce cut stress and put women back in control of their money, how to talk to a spouse or child about money, and much more.

Registration is available at  Tickets are $50 per seat, scholarships and volunteer positions available. Ages 16 and up are welcome.

Testimonials from past attendees have been quite passionate. D. Allen stated, “It is fabulous to know that I now have the potential to create financial freedom for myself. The skills and habits taught in this workshop gave me hope where I had given up. I believe everything is possible now because of this workshop. Thank you!”

For more information:

Workshop flyer available here:

Contact: Elisabeth Donati at 805-957-1024

Hope to see you there!


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