Financial Literacy Holiday Gift from Creative Wealth

December 18, 2013

Happy Holidays!

school financial education curriculum

I’m currently in the Caribbean, about to be the matron of honor for the lady I stayed with a few years ago. She’s experiencing a lot of stress before the wedding and in a lot of pain. It is so interesting how we human beings interpret our lives in ways that bring pain instead of joy.

I wanted to touch upon the holidays to invite you to check in with your own experience this season. How is you feeling so far? Are you enjoying your days, getting ready for however you do this season? If you aren’t, you might want to stop, regroup and choose differently. Remember, it really is all about choice and only you can choose to create the experience you want.

I personally don’t celebrate the holidays in a traditional way. I do, however, enjoy the time to reflect on the past year and think about the year to come…and find my way to warm waters in the south that I can swim in and enjoy.

I did want to share one of the things I found myself teaching this year to all sorts of people…Rarely is anything an emergency.

Being in the Caribbean, you really get a good sense that nothing much is an emergency. Everyone is very laid back and relaxed and I find myself falling into afternoon naps, slow walks with an 11 year old I could bring home in my suitcase and just overall, slowing down. I’m not sure why we Americans (especially) get into a pace that’s not healthy for our bodies and spirits, but most of us do. I’m planning on bringing that peace back with me again.

Now for my little gift to you…

If you’re sitting there reading these words, you probably understand that there are many things you can do during the holidays but the things that bring you the most pleasure and joy are the things you do to bring others pleasure and joy. Isn’t it fun how that works?

And because most of you are on my email list because you really care about making sure your children and students learn how to handle money wisely, I wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to save a little moolah this season making that happen since often times it does take money to bring others pleasure and joy.

2013 HOLIDAY COUPONS for you!

Since I’ve made our Camp Millionaire Curriculum available online, we’ve had a lot of people take advantage of it. No traveling, no flight. Just sign up, log on, watch the videos at your leisure and start teaching the program in your classroom, youth group or for any group of kids ages 10 and up.

Use coupon code HOLIDAY2013 to receive $100 off this new Camp Millionaire Online Program.

OR, if you’ve been dying to get your hands on The Money Game to teach your kids about money, use Coupon Code MONEYGAME2013 to get 25% off either the Downloadable Kit or the Ready-to-Play version.

And if there’s something else you have been wanting from our financial literacy store, use Coupon Code HOLIDAY25 to get 25% off!

That’s all for now.

Miss E (aks Elisabeth)

Your Financial Literacy Lady


Paying Yourself First – the bills!

So, how did I pay my bills last month?  I began by changing my scarcity thinking to abundant thinking. I was determined to meet my bills and put at least a little bit in each of my jars, using only the money in my checking account.

Changing your thinking requires effort and the creation of new habits. 

First, starting on the last day of the coaches camp, I began to keep a brief evening diary listing everything I had done that day that was a step towards the creation of my new financially free life. This made me conscious each day of doing at least one thing: reading a few pages of a respected financial book; searching the web to learn about stocks; making a phone call to solicit more business, etc.

Second, I began to really pay attention to what I was spending my money on. Piddlyjunk is anything that loses its value the minute you walk out of the store. I included food items like chips, speciality ice cream, candy, donuts, Dairy Queen, all fast food, etc. as Piddlyjunk that, if bought too often, would destroy my dream of financial freedom. I stopped and thought before I bought anything: “Do I really need this, or do I only want it? What purpose does it serve?” I had to buy ink cartridges for my printer. I tutor students and printing the Latin worksheets was essential to create wealth; they were a need. I wanted to buy one of Donald Trump’s books that I had checked out from the library. There was not sufficient money in my Education jar and I had already read the book. This was a want and I did not buy it.

Third, before going into the grocery store I now check to see how much cash I have. This is the maximum I can spend. Doing this makes me much more careful about what I decide to buy.

Fourth, I continued to log all my income and expenses.

Fifth, I constantly thought about “more” not “less”. Out of the blue I received an e-mail from the mother of a five-year old. She had processed the DBA for my Latin program and wanted to enroll her son in classes with me. I had one new student!

Sixth, I made time to read every day – Cameron Johnson, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Leeb – anything to increase my financial knowledge.

I am creating new habits. I am thinking abundant thoughts.

These abundant thoughts brought me a tax-windfall from the State of Michigan. I have money in my jars AND I can pay all my bills from my checking account!  I celebrated with an on-sale cheesecake using money from my living expenses and not my credit card, and a friend had chips out as munchies at her house on Friday! 

Mr. Kiyosaki, Mr Trump, Ms Donati, I think I am getting it!

Paying Yourself First

Pay Yourself First“…this is a vital ingredient in the recipe to gain financial freedom, state many of the most respected authors on the subject – Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, & Elisabeth Donati, to name my 3 favorites. To those of us whose income fails to accomplish all we need it to in the month anyway, paying ourselves at all, let alone first, simply adds to the pile of bills we are already struggling to meet.

“Can I pay myself first by going to the grocery store on the first day of the month?” I wondered only partly in jest.

“If I pay myself first, where do I take that money from?”

If you pay your expenses first any money that might be available to save gets spent–sometimes you know not where! Most of us don’t really know where our money goes, even if we track it by dutifully writing down all our purchases. I have done that for years and still I have been left wondering how I could have spent all that money. Everything I bought seemed so essential.

Pay Yourself FirstThe idea behind paying yourself first is that if you find there is not enough to meet your expenses you will be forced to 1) Cut those expenses, or, better according to Kiyosaki, 2) Find a way to make up the shortfall. He claims that we become more creative when we are put in this situation.

I don’t know about you, but when I first read this my reaction was to scream, “How on earth am I supposed to create more money in a month? Jobs don’t just appear like magic especially in this economy, and when do I have time for another job; I already have three!” All through my Creative Wealth training with Elisabeth in February, I whined about this, but I listened, and I kept reading. I knew that if I wanted to be financially free I had to be a different me.

The key is in a change of mindset. “What you think about you bring about” – so I started thinking differently.

First of all, I knew that if I was going to teach financial literacy I needed to educate myself around the topics I was going to be exploring with the students. Secondly, I knew that when the kids asked me what I was doing to become financially free, I could not and would not lie, and was not going to have to tell them “nothing…yet”. To be a great coach, I not only had to talk the talk, but I had to walk the walk.

I found some jars gathering dust in the garage, washed them, and began by putting just one dollar in each: Living, Financial Freedom, Savings, Education, Play, & Donation. This was liberating! My jars now proudly boast over $25 each in less than a month. Not bad for someone with way more month than money!

BUT, I hear you cry, how did you pay your bills?

That’s the next part of the story…first start your jars.

Good luck!

Great Training Tips for You

There are so many places on the web now where you can get great training tips for your business, regardless of what you do for a living. 

In terms of your Creative Wealth Coaching programs, here’s a great place to get tips: I get a little training tidbit every day and they are often wonderful gems of information to ponder. Click on the link and go sign up to get them yourself. Enjoy…

A successful East Coast Money Camp Teacher Training

Well, it’s official. A couple of weeks ago (seems like yesterday) we hosted our first East Coast Teacher Training and it was a riot. You guys rock! We had 20 of the most amazing people (we ALWAYS have amazing people…I think it’s just the topic) who learned, participated at 100%, wrote, played along and did we mention, participated at 100%?!!!

Our goal of having Money Camps for Kids and Teens by 2010 is going to happen if we continue to have the incredible people we keep getting showing up in our training programs. Thank you all for coming and joining in on our mission to change the world.

We also introduced our first Advanced Training Seminar which is being scheduled for sometime in April here in Santa Barbara. This program will be unlike anything you’ve gone to before. If you teach kids or adults financial literacy, leadership, learning skills, entrepreneurship, stock market, real estate, or more, you’ll leave this 3-day intensive with new skills, new knowledge, new friends and a renewed hope in our ability to affect change. Stay tuned for more information.

And it isn’t enough, we also busy planning our first 3-day intensive for kids and teens. The event is being scheduled for Feb. 1-3 in Anaheim, CA. We scheduling it then because it’s the same three days as Peak Potential’s <a
onmouseover=”window.status=’Click Here Now’; return true”
onmouseout=”window.status=”” target=”_blank”
xhref=””>) Millionaire Mind Evening event. We want to help families create a sustainable environment where both the kids and the parents are learning the same information and can help each other make wise financial decisions and develope positive money habits together. We realize the program is Thursday-Saturday but we promise, if you put your kids in our program instead of school for two days, they will learn more in those three days about life and money than they will their entire last two years of high school. Or your money back!

Financial Literacy Teacher Training – East Coast

We’re excited about our upcoming East Coast Coach’s Training Sept. 26-29, 2006 in Atlanta. This is our first time on the East Coast and we have a great group of people coming to learn how to teach our Money Camp programs to kids, teens and grownups. There’s still room if you want to join. Since our show on The Today Show in August, we’ve gotten tons of calls from people on both coasts and in between who want to host their own Money Camp programs. It’s going to take a lot of us to create a new generation of money savvy kids!