Kids Talk Money with Elisabeth Donati

You know that show, “Kids say the dardest things?” Well, I thought I’d do my own version but do it around money. So, last night I sat down with Jessica, my neighbor, who I have known since she was 1 year old (I can’t believe she’s 12 now!), and we had a little chat about money.

We had so much fun, I’ve decided to do this some more. If you have a child, any age, that would love to be in front of a camera and sit with me for 10 minutes, please give me a call 805-957-1024 or send me an email.

The series is called, “Kids Talk Money” and I can’t wait to do more!

Here’s the video. Enjoy…

Explaining the Economic Crisis to Kids – Great Video

You know how you can’t keep stuff from kids? They’re kind of like Moms…they just always know when something’s up!

Well, lots of people have asked me how to explain to their kids what the heck happened to the economy. To tell you the truth, most adults don’t understand it either.

To give you and your kids a little glimpse into what happened, watch this short video. It’s VERY good and explains how we got into this particular mess in the first place.

Click here to go watch the video!

Stop Making Your Child Think College is the Only Way!

Hi all,

If you have followed my program at all, you know that it is geared toward introducing the idea that you (the Universal You) can actually create your OWN way to financially support yourself by some other way than to just go out and get a job.

The old standard of going to school to get good grades to go to college to get good grades in order to graduate and get a good, secure job doesn’t work so well anymore.

On an internet marketing cruise in January of 09, myself and Amanda Dan Der Gulick did a really fun video with Reed Floren, a self-proclaimed semi-retired 22 year old who has done it all on the internet.

To watch this amazing young man talk about how and why he got into entrepreneurship and making money on the internet, go here…

Again, just something to think about…

Make Learning About Money Your Child’s Idea

If I get one question consistently, it’s the simple question, “What’s the best way to teach my kids about money?” I have a simple answer.

First, do whatever you can to make it their idea. I call this using “Teachable Moments” to introduce financial education, or anything else for that matter, to your kids.

Here is a section from The Ultimate Allowance to help you with those teachable moments.

As adults and parents, most of us realize that, in life, there are teachable moments when we are open and receptive to relevant information, and there are moments when it doesn’t matter who is attempting to teach us, we are simply not willing, or able, to take in the information.
Children are no different. You probably know that sometimes it’s just flat out impossible to get your kids to learn something (or even listen) as long as you are the one who is doing the teaching. But have a friend introduce an idea or concept to them and they are open and receptive to the information.

With the Ultimate Allowance, you will be the one introducing the program, walking your child through it and helping her every step of the way as she learns how to master this money game thing through trial and error. Therefore, it is critical that you introduce it correctly, and at the best possible moment.

First, find a time when it makes sense to bring it up. Right after they’ve had a fight with a friend or lost a valuable toy or broken a vase is not that time! I’ve heard it said that people don’t change until the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same. Watch for a time when your child has had, or is about to have, an experience involving money. It can be either a positive or negative experience; you never can tell when a child will be receptive to new information.

When you’re deciding on the perfect time to introduce this system, here are two questions you might ask yourself first:

1. Is what I want to talk about with my child relevant to the current situation?
2. Will the information I’m about to present provide a solution to a problem or situation my child is experiencing?
If the answer to these questions is Yes, then you probably have a teachable moment on your hands.

For more information, click here!

Teaching Your Children How to Mind Map

If your children’s lives are anything like yours, they are filled to the brim with ‘to do’ lists. And if their minds are anything like mine, those lists get lost in the shuffle, don’t make any sense in terms of what goes when and where and create a sense of overwhelm even thought they are supposed to sooth them mind instead.

You see, most students (and adults for that matter) are never taught how to plan or take notes or even makes lists. And yet, what we end up doing, it making lists linearly, on paper or the computer, from top to bottom. Fact is though, most of us are visual or kinesthetic learners so we respond better and plan better with pictures. And when you think about it, most projects aren’t linear at all. There are all sorts of pieces and parts that are needed to create something that works and works well.

Well, I have a suggestion…teach them about mind maps. Better yet, if they use a computer well (don’t they all now?), download this free program called FREEMAPS and teach them how to use it to literally map out their projects, goals, processes and lives.

I just learned about this program on an Internet Marketing Cruise (yes, a cruise!) and already it is making my life simpler. I can literally see what needs to be done and when. I have made several maps; one for each project I am working on and one global one and they work together.

If you can teach your child how to plan like this early on, just imagine how much more productive he or she will be in college and in their careers.

To download this software and to get some great ‘how to use it’ info, click here (more…)

Teach Kids to Set Goals with Dream Boards

The last week of the year is typically the week people start to really evaluate what they did last year and then, based on this information, set some goals for the next year. But many of us forget to include our children in this amazingly powerful process.

If you have a child or two of practically any age, you can include them in your own goal setting processes and help them set a few of their own. And if you’ve never set goals before, now is the perfect time to start.

Did you know that the major thing that sets successful people apart from unsuccessful people is that successful people write their goals down on paper AND they write them down on a regular basis? How hard is that?

All I have to say is that if THAT is the major thing that defines whether or not a person is successful (that and a bit of action!), then teaching kids to set and achieve goals may be one of the many life-skills you should seriously consider modeling for your children.


OK, if you’ve never ever really sat down long enough to consider WHERE you’re going or WHAT you want in life, it’s OK because you can start now. The past is the past; let it go. The future, however, is like a brand new sketch book ready for you to create, repleat with colors and shapes and feelings and expression.

Oh, you thought you had to WRITE your goals down on paper? Well, that’s a great start but my suggestion is to create what we teach in Camp Millionaire and Creative Wealth for Women and that’s called a Dream Board or Vision Board. Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, once said something like, “What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” Great quote! We need to teach our children this concept early in life!


This is a fun and simple process but it will take some thought and the proverbial question: What do I want in life? Before you begin the actual building a the dream board, write this question on the top of a piece of paper and just sit quietly and answer it. Have each child that is creating a board with you do it as well. Kids generally love this part!

My 2008 Dream Board

My 2008 Dream Board

Here’s what you and your kids will need:

1) Two to three hours of uninterrupted time to relax and create and some great music to create by.

2) Poster board. Half sheets work best but if you want to use full sheets, by all means…have at it. Note: posterboard generally has a shiny side and a matte side. If you’re going to be using markers, use the matte side as the shiny side smears (ask me how I know!).

3) Lots of old/new magazines filled with great photos, alphabet letters (for ransom note like cut out words), etc. Magazines of your favorite hobbies and interests are great. Thrift stores often have lots of magazines for pennies if you don’t have a ready stock on hand.

 4) Tape, glue, scissors, markers, other art supplies for cutting out and attaching images to your poster board.

That’s it. Just assemble the things you need, set aside the time for your whole family to create the next year of their lives (or more) just the way everyone wants it and have a great time.

HINT: After everyone in the family has created their own dream or vision board and put it on the door or wall of their choice, create a Family Dream Board for 2009 and put it on the fridge because refrigerators have magical powers. Oh, you don’t know about that? Maybe I’ll explain that one later.

Now go plan your life! You’ll be suprised at how much fun it is. And when things start coming true and showing up for you and your kids, you’ll be even more excited about creating one for next year.

P.S. For other great activities and ideas for kids, get a copy of The Ultimate Allowance. It’s the only finanical parenting book you’ll ever need!