The Money Cow Game Activity Lesson

Everyone loves stuffed animals and this activity is centered around a little stuffed cow…you can even call it the Cash Cow if you want, though ours is named Betsy! (We received her as a gift long ago in one of our Camp Millionaire programs from a young girl who found her for us.)

This game is perfect to play right after you do the Principles Contest Activity Lesson. Since your students have just spent 10-15 minutes running around the room filling in the blanks of The Money Game Principles, they’re fresh their minds…and because the principles are up on the walls, they can literally read from the principles to win the game. Kind of an open wall game I suppose:-).

Purchase this financial education activity


Assets and Liabilities Activity Lesson

Helping people distinguish between an Asset and a Liability helps them know what to do with their hard earned cash.

Since human beings are so good at Spending their money but terrible about Investing their money in assets, teaching your participants the simple rule to knowing an asset from a liability is key, and that key is:

Assets put money INTO your pocket.

Liabilities take money OUT OF your pocket.

…and they do so on a regular basis.

So, that home you live in that you THINK is an asset? Well, sorry to say that unless you have part of it rented out so that your income from the rents exceed the expenses (mortgage/loan, utilities, taxes, etc.), then your home is a liability. It is, however, the BANK’s asset.

Yes, it may be your largest INVESTMENT, but using our definition, it is NOT an asset.

Our Money Game Assets and Liability Activity is in the form of a debate, just like our Wants and Needs Activity. You and your players are going to love it.

Purchase this financial education activity


Great Testimonial (and new ideas) from Anita in New Zealand

“Just wanted to say we had HEAPS of FUN playing the Money Game. Because it was my first time, and I wanted to be sure all the kids ‘won’ – I opted for the short version where they received $200 for each asset they owned.

I chose to make the kids ‘work’ for me at the start of EVERY round. ( I used a whistle and would shout out Monday/Tues/Wed…. every 10 seconds or so). I even made them do ‘overtime’ on Saturday one day which led to a very interesting discussion.

I also made the kids who were ‘free’ sit out when the others were still ‘working’ when they were busy doing star jumps etc, to make a bigger impact.

Then, when they were ‘all’ free they could decide if they wanted to work or not … and this time they could CHOOSE their work- which of course led to really good discussions around working by CHOICE at something YOU like doing.

NOW I am just trying to find a way that I can do this FULL TIME so that EVERY kids in my city at least will have experienced the MONEY GAME.” Anita from New Zealand!

“Just wanted to say we had HEAPS of FUN playing the Money Game. Because it was my first time, and I wanted to be sure all the kids ‘won’ – I opted for the short version where they received $200 for each asset they owned.

I chose to make the kids ‘work’ for me at the start of EVERY round. ( I used a whistle and would shout out Monday/Tues/Wed…. every 10 seconds or so). I even made them do ‘overtime’ on Saturday one day which led to a very interesting discussion.

I also made the kids who were ‘free’ sit out when the others were still ‘working’ when they were busy doing star jumps etc, to make a bigger impact.

Then, when they were ‘all’ free they could decide if they wanted to work or not … and this time they could CHOOSE their work- which of course led to really good discussions around working by CHOICE at something YOU like doing.

NOW I am just trying to find a way that I can do this FULL TIME so that EVERY kids in my city at least will have experienced the MONEY GAME.”

Anita from New Zealand!

10-24-7: The Combination to a Life of Possibility

One of my pet peeve’s with most of our current education system (and there are many), is that we make the world’s future population learn, aka memorize, a whole lot of facts and figures but we so rarely teach them how to accomplish anything in life.

What difference does it make it you know all the capitals in the United States if you don’t know how to cook, stay healthy or manage and invest your money?

In our Camp Millionaire camp, we do this short, simple activity called Life’s Combination. It teaches the campers that getting the most out of life has everything to do with how much you put into it.

It’s a simple activity that gets them to understand the power of playing at a level 10!

Purchase this financial education activity


Financial Principle Contest – Learning The Rules To The Money Game!

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I have often heard it said that “Repetition is the mother of skill.” This quote is often attributed to Anthony Robbins but I’m sure it’s been said by several others. The point is, we learn things best by doing them, or saying them, over and over again.

T. Harv Eker often says in his personal growth seminars, “When I say something, it’s one thing, but when YOU say something, it’s EVERYTHING.” In other words, when it comes out of our own mouth, we take ownership of the information, opinion, choice, etc. more so than we do when we just agree with someone else saying it.

So, imagine that we want our Money Game participants to remember the following financial principles, aka rules to The Money Game:

and my all time favorite…

Don’t you think your participants/students might learn the principles quicker and easier, and remember them longer, if they go over them many times in your programs? They will! And we have a couple of activities that will help you help them remember these important financial principles for the rest of their lives.


Celebration…A Powerful Key To Learning and Remembering Information

When was the last time you celebrated learning something? For some, celebrating comes easy but for most human beings, celebrating is attached to accomplishing something monumental.

But think about the last time you watched, or glanced at, a football game. Those guys only have to get the ball down the field a few feet in order to celebrate the tiniest victory!

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Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the...

What if learning was the same way? What if every time your child (or you for that mattered) was celebrated when he learned something, asked a great question, helped someone with a task of any size? Do you think that celebrating would encourage that child (or adult) to continue learning, asking and helping?

The answer to that question is, “YES!” And a bonus is that it makes learning a whole lot more fun for everyone!

In our Camp Millionaire programs, we use celebration regularly for just about anything…

  • Great questions
  • Helping the teacher
  • Helping another participant
  • Cleaning up
  • Paying attention
  • Great answers

You get the idea. When you celebrate what your learners are doing, regardless of how small or big the win is, you encourage the behavior you’re wanting while discouraging the behavior you don’t want naturally.

Here’s a short video of some of the fun little celebration techniques we do in our Camp Millionaire event. Oh, and yes, we do these with adults also.

NOTE: When using these, and other accelerated learning techniques with older teens and adults, it’s best to explain quickly the purpose of what you’re doing. When they understand that what you’re doing is for their benefit, it ensures their buy in and keeps them from not participating in the fun.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]