The Easy Way to Start Your New Business

Have you ever wanted to work from home, work for yourself or market a new product idea or invention?

Have you been stopped in your tracks by all the ‘what abouts’ that you don’t know about? You know, the “What about this and what about that?”

If so, you’re not alone. And…it doesn’t have to be this way.

Today, I’d like you to invite you to think differently about starting a business for yourself. Here’s what you do….



For those of you who have been following Creative Wealth and me for awhile, you have probably guessed that I have more ideas in one hour than a lot of people have in a lifetime. I want to start lots of businesses and bring a lot more of my business ideas to reality. And I know that I can’t do them all…or at least not all at once.

I can, however, create as many businesses as I’d like as long as I do them One Step At A Time.

I’m currently in the beginning throws of starting down a new journey that started when I switched to all Gluten Free baking. At first it was a challenge because I had a hard time figuring out how to make my yummy muffins and cookies (ask the neighbors how yummy:-) gluten free and still be yummy.

Over the last couple of years, I figured it out and now I’m in the process of starting Santa Barbara Gluten Free Goodies…an online and offline company that will market my very own Muffin and Cookie Flour Mix as well as deliver fresh, homemade muffins and cookies to local homes, businesses and coffee shops.

Do I know how to do this? NO!

Am I learning one piece at a time? YES!

Am I having fun? ABSOLUTELY!

All you need to do is take one small, baby-step forward on your new business idea and pretty soon you start to see a business plan. A little bit after that you start seeing the real thing materialize before your eyes.

What? You say you’ve tried this method before and weren’t successful? Well, you either had an idea that wasn’t going to work (this is not about you…it’s just an idea that isn’t marketable…get over it) or you needed some coaching to move it along. Either way, there are lots of great ideas waiting to happen and lots of great business coaches wanting to help you be fabulously successful (me for one).

So if you’ve always wanted to have your own business, offline or online (hint…online is easier!), START RIGHT NOW. Take some notes, create a binder for those notes and everyday add to the plan:

  • Your vision
  • What you want to sell, make, market
  • Product and service details
  • Competitor information
  • Marketing ideas
  • Contacts to make or ones made
  • Steps, steps, steps
  • Etc.

Then one day, out of the blue, you’re going to look in that notebook and see your first Action Step and then you’re going to take it.

The next day, you’ll take another Action Step…and on and on and on.

Finally, you’re going to wake up one day and have a full-fledged business of your own.

It’s that easy…

p.s. Take your kids along for this ride. Maybe by the time they’re out of high school or college they can either work for you or have their own business up and running. How cool would that be?

Just something else to think about…


The Financial Literacy Lady’s Financial Lessons

One of the things I tell the folks who attend our life-altering Creative Wealth Train-the-Trainer workshop is that I need them not to put me on a pedestal. It might seem like a strange thing to say right off the bat, but here’s why I say it…

I want them to know that we all make mistakes and it’s OK to make them. That I am no different and I am the person I am because of those mistakes and what I’ve learned from them.

I want them to know that their best work will come from mistakes they have made and lessons they have learned.

I want them to know that they will become better teachers when they learn to teach from a profound place of authenticity and honesty…no matter what the topic.

I want them to know my background, that I’m not perfect, that I’m still learning and that that’s all there really is in life…learning and growing (well, in addition to love and chocolate, of course).

Harv Eker, the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and creator of the Peak Potentials seminar called The Millionaire Mind Intensive, has a saying that I love…Every Master Was Once A Disaster.

I couldn’t agree with him more! After all, how do you think we all get good at what we’re good at? We had to learn, just like the next guy and we were prompted to learn by mistakes, lack of education, missing pieces, emotional or physical pain, and a whole host of other motivators that move us to take on the challenges we take on.

Life Lessons

Life Lessons you can’t afford to ignore

So I was sitting here pondering what to share with you today and what came bubbling to the surface were the many lessons I have learned, and am STILL learning, about money, and especially, business. So if you’ll humor me…here goes.

Lesson #1: Never, never, never fall in love with your idea.

It WILL morph many times and what ends up working may not look at all like what you started out with.

Lesson #2: Get advice.

Get LOTS of advice. And then get MORE advice after that.

Lesson #3: STOP with the too many projects thing!

This is one of my biggest challenges. I am delighted and fascinated by so many things and the thing that I am best at and love the most is creating. My mind never stops thinking up new ways to do things and the projects that are on my ‘back burner’ could fill up the ARK!

I am challenged by this almost every day and it is difficult to put my creative juices ‘on hold’ simply because I need to focus on marketing the amazing programs and products that already exist.

What I do to force myself to focus now is to remember that unless millions of people and children experience our unique brand of financial education, I can’t make the difference I truly want to make in the world.

Oh, and I have developed a ‘to do’ list system that keeps me focused. I guess that’s lesson 3A:-)!

Lesson #4: Finish what you start.

Need I say more?

Lesson #5: You can never do enough planning.

Budgetary planning, marketing planning, PR planning, packing for camp planning, future planning! Even though I teach children and adults about setting goals, and know they are important for many most, it’s important to understand yourself in relationship to goals in general.

I set goals often for myself (I do practice what I preach:-) but the idea (and ability) of setting LONG term goals has always alluded me. I’m great at setting short term goals deadlines and completing projects on time; I just don’t ‘get’ the long term thing. Never have…never will.

What I want to share with you about goals is this…what has helped me is learning a long time ago that some people are goal-oriented and others are process-oriented. I am a pure process-oriented person and once I understood and accepted that, I was able to joyfully wrinkle my nose at the idea of setting long term goals. I’d invite you to do the same if you are a process-oriented human. Your life will instantly become more enjoyable.

Note: There’s a great book called Goal Free Living that you might enjoy. It brought me peace and sanity!

Lesson #6: Make sure you ALWAYS and forever listen to your gut.

In the beginning, when I started the first Money Camp for Kids program in 2002, I chose to go the nonprofit route. And I always had this sensation that something just didn’t jive for me there. After all, here I was teaching kids to start businesses, be little (and BIG) entrepreneurs, be their own BOSSes, create passive income vehicles and there I was, writing grants (which I never did very well because I could barley stomach the idea) and doing programs for less than they were worth. I had fallen into what I call the “Non-profit Myth”…that’s the myth that because something is considered ‘doing good’ in the world, it somehow should be given away and not paid for.  YUK.

Two years ago I switched gears to build an empire for ME because after all, I was teaching kids to be responsible for themselves and being one of the most responsible people on the planet, I wasn’t able to do that for myself with the nonprofit. My gut feels much better now running it as a for profit corporation. I will make it or fail as a result of my own doing…it’s not dependent on anyone giving me funding for this or for that. I prefer it this way.

Note: the nonprofit does still exist, however, as we use it to collect scholarships for low-income families. This is how it SHOULD have been used from the beginning. (Hidden lesson:-)

Lesson #7: Outsource MWA’s (minimum wage activities).

Oh, how I wish I’d learned this earlier. I’m one of those who knows how to do it all so…I do it all! Stupido beyond belief. Don’t do that. There are so many people around the world willing and wanting to do all myriad of tasks for you for very little so you (I) can do what we should be doing: working ON the business and not IN the business. I’m praying I didn’t learn this lesson too late.

Lesson #8: Don’t put all your financial eggs into one basket, or your business.

I teach this. I practice it with my retirement accounts. I’ve learned many financial lessons over the past several years the hard way. Lessons like:

Don’t buy real estate in Arizona when the market is high (I was naive and didn’t know what questions to ask…I was trying to do what I was taught…real estate is a great investment, right?) and especially don’t buy it when your best friend says, “You know, there’s something about this deal…”

Don’t assume your financial advisor WILL get you out of the market on time. He didn’t. I took all my money back and invested it in stocks that I knew and understood (I’m an Apple girl…what can I say:-). What he lost in a heart beat I have made back in a year. I like being in charge of my own investments.

It’s important to pay yourself something out of your business and know how long you can go on how little before you find yourself looking for ‘work’ in order to keep the business going. When the business needs cash to grow, like Creative Wealth does now, it’s important to understand your own limits. I’m examining them now. We should all examine our own limits on a regular basis.

Lesson #9: It’s perfectly perfect to enroll those who have come to your programs, loved them and taken away value to help you with projects in the future.

My best friend and partner, Steve Gordon (the impetus behind our new coloring book) has told me for years to ask previous attendees to help volunteer at events, help with marketing and more. And I’m happy to say that I have learned this lesson well and that many of you show up and help regularly. Thank you for that.  And thank you Steve for continuing to suggest it until I ‘got it’!

Lesson #10: Know when to quit.

You know the saying “Winners never quit and quitters never win”? Well, I’ve been pondering this saying for a long time now, and I’ve even talked about it before in articles. I think it’s ‘bullpucky’ as they say and here’s why…

Winners–people who accomplish things they set out to accomplish–quit all the time. However, there’s a big difference between quitting because you just don’t want to work hard anymore and choosing to quit because you realize an idea just isn’t going to work and to continue pursuing it would be financial, emotional, spiritual and mental suicide.

Quitting can be the exact right thing to do.

One of my favorite passions (I have so many of them…see Lesson #3) is to invite people to ‘think differently’ about things. To ask them to question WHY they believe what they believe and to inquire within themselves as to how a particular belief serves…or rather DOESN’T serve…them. More often than not, the context through and by which we live our lives isn’t a context we’ve consciously choosen for ourselves. We’ve inherited this context from our parents, our friends, the media, our teachers, our culture and more.

So what have I REALLY learned since starting down this path to teach myself, as others, about money, personal finance and wealth?

  • That when you do something that helps other people, it’s hard to call it work and at the same time, that work can take over your life and is not necessarily the best thing for you in the end.
  • That the only thing that really matters is that we consciously, with full awareness, learn to choose how to SPEND our days here on earth. How are you SPENDING yours?
  • That it’s OK to ask for help when you need it.

I’m going to end this with a reminder that as I am just a girl who had an idea and acted upon it and has learned lots of lessons and continues to do so. And YOU are just a guy or girl in the exact same place. I enjoy it. I hope you do as well.

Just something to think about…

Coaching with Harlan Kilstein

You know how you find certain people who help you more than anyone else ever has? Call him or her a coach or a mentor or just a friend. Well, Harlan Kilstein is one of those people to me.

Harlan Kilstein is a coach and in a few short months, I’ve learned a ton about business and marketing from him. Harlan loves to watch people improve their lives, their businesses and make a bigger impact on the world in whatever they do.

Who is this person for you? Is there someone in your life that you call for advice before everyone else? Is there someone who’s advice you respect above all else? When you know who this person is, reach out and say ‘thanks’ to this person.

Part of being wealthy is having a wealth of friends, mentors and coaches who help you bring your dreams to fruition. When you have several of these people, it’s a very grateful sort of thing.

Who are you grateful for today?

Paying Yourself First – the bills!

So, how did I pay my bills last month?  I began by changing my scarcity thinking to abundant thinking. I was determined to meet my bills and put at least a little bit in each of my jars, using only the money in my checking account.

Changing your thinking requires effort and the creation of new habits. 

First, starting on the last day of the coaches camp, I began to keep a brief evening diary listing everything I had done that day that was a step towards the creation of my new financially free life. This made me conscious each day of doing at least one thing: reading a few pages of a respected financial book; searching the web to learn about stocks; making a phone call to solicit more business, etc.

Second, I began to really pay attention to what I was spending my money on. Piddlyjunk is anything that loses its value the minute you walk out of the store. I included food items like chips, speciality ice cream, candy, donuts, Dairy Queen, all fast food, etc. as Piddlyjunk that, if bought too often, would destroy my dream of financial freedom. I stopped and thought before I bought anything: “Do I really need this, or do I only want it? What purpose does it serve?” I had to buy ink cartridges for my printer. I tutor students and printing the Latin worksheets was essential to create wealth; they were a need. I wanted to buy one of Donald Trump’s books that I had checked out from the library. There was not sufficient money in my Education jar and I had already read the book. This was a want and I did not buy it.

Third, before going into the grocery store I now check to see how much cash I have. This is the maximum I can spend. Doing this makes me much more careful about what I decide to buy.

Fourth, I continued to log all my income and expenses.

Fifth, I constantly thought about “more” not “less”. Out of the blue I received an e-mail from the mother of a five-year old. She had processed the DBA for my Latin program and wanted to enroll her son in classes with me. I had one new student!

Sixth, I made time to read every day – Cameron Johnson, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Leeb – anything to increase my financial knowledge.

I am creating new habits. I am thinking abundant thoughts.

These abundant thoughts brought me a tax-windfall from the State of Michigan. I have money in my jars AND I can pay all my bills from my checking account!  I celebrated with an on-sale cheesecake using money from my living expenses and not my credit card, and a friend had chips out as munchies at her house on Friday! 

Mr. Kiyosaki, Mr Trump, Ms Donati, I think I am getting it!

Paying Yourself First

Pay Yourself First“…this is a vital ingredient in the recipe to gain financial freedom, state many of the most respected authors on the subject – Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, & Elisabeth Donati, to name my 3 favorites. To those of us whose income fails to accomplish all we need it to in the month anyway, paying ourselves at all, let alone first, simply adds to the pile of bills we are already struggling to meet.

“Can I pay myself first by going to the grocery store on the first day of the month?” I wondered only partly in jest.

“If I pay myself first, where do I take that money from?”

If you pay your expenses first any money that might be available to save gets spent–sometimes you know not where! Most of us don’t really know where our money goes, even if we track it by dutifully writing down all our purchases. I have done that for years and still I have been left wondering how I could have spent all that money. Everything I bought seemed so essential.

Pay Yourself FirstThe idea behind paying yourself first is that if you find there is not enough to meet your expenses you will be forced to 1) Cut those expenses, or, better according to Kiyosaki, 2) Find a way to make up the shortfall. He claims that we become more creative when we are put in this situation.

I don’t know about you, but when I first read this my reaction was to scream, “How on earth am I supposed to create more money in a month? Jobs don’t just appear like magic especially in this economy, and when do I have time for another job; I already have three!” All through my Creative Wealth training with Elisabeth in February, I whined about this, but I listened, and I kept reading. I knew that if I wanted to be financially free I had to be a different me.

The key is in a change of mindset. “What you think about you bring about” – so I started thinking differently.

First of all, I knew that if I was going to teach financial literacy I needed to educate myself around the topics I was going to be exploring with the students. Secondly, I knew that when the kids asked me what I was doing to become financially free, I could not and would not lie, and was not going to have to tell them “nothing…yet”. To be a great coach, I not only had to talk the talk, but I had to walk the walk.

I found some jars gathering dust in the garage, washed them, and began by putting just one dollar in each: Living, Financial Freedom, Savings, Education, Play, & Donation. This was liberating! My jars now proudly boast over $25 each in less than a month. Not bad for someone with way more month than money!

BUT, I hear you cry, how did you pay your bills?

That’s the next part of the story…first start your jars.

Good luck!

To all Creative Wealth Coaches. You have to watch these NLP videos!

Hi all,

Just a quick note. As I have mentioned, I have hired an amazing coach to teach me copywriting and more. His name is Harlan Kilstein.

He recently did 30 videos in 30 days on NLP and copywriting. If you go here, you can watch and learn. You’ll need to type the url into your browser because I can’t turn it into a live link right now.

