Burning financial question: how to save (pay yourself first) when it seems you have nothing to save?

by | Dec 14, 2011

Somewhere on our website or in an email of ours we have the question, “What is the single biggest question when it comes to creating financial freedom for yourself or teaching your kids about money?” And on occasion, someone sends us their question. This one was so basically wonderful, I had to post our short answers online for you all to read.

Question from C, one of our readers:

“My single biggest question when it comes to creating financial freedom for yourself or teaching your kids about money is…how to save (pay yourself first) when it seems you have nothing to save.” C

Jan got the email first. This is her answer to C…

What I can tell is this:

Paying yourself first is one of the most effective HABITS of financially free people.

Please know that I completely understand where you are coming from but the thing is, most of us put everyone and everything else first. Even if it’s one dollar ~ one dollar ~ that you put into a savings account on a regular basis, that act in and of itself will take hold and create the space for you to save more.

This is not something you can conceptualize, you just have to do it!


Jan then forwarded C’s question and her answer to me. This was my response:

Hi C,

Jan forwarded your question and her answer and quite honestly, I couldn’t have said it even better.
Pay yourself first is a simply a habit that, if financial security is important to you, you make happen.
You don’t blame the economy or your situation or anything else. You realize, and accept, that you are at cause…every choice you have made has let you to this current situation.
Now, if you want something else, you have to start doing things differently and choosing differently.
Thanks for asking. Now go pay yourself a dollar!
Hope that helps you, too.


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