Beating Your Own Financial Drum

by | Sep 23, 2011

“Learn how to be financially free today.”

“Be all that you can be now.”

“Learn to play a bigger game!”

“Propel yourself to another level!”

And on and on…

Are you at all tired of being made to think that being who you are, where you are isn’t enough? Quite frankly, I think a lot of adults would be less stressed if they stopped listening to the media, the seminar gurus and others who tell them they aren’t OK just the way they are.

This is true both in how we live in general and how we choose to do money.

Financial Education

Your Financial Drummer

Personally, I love having an old car that’s paid off and gets great gas mileage and has the old fashioned windows you roll down by hand. I’ve always thought this is a much better option if you ever end up plunging it into water (not that I think that is ever going to happen, mind you:-). Never mind my iPod won’t plug into it. I don’t care.

I love that my clothes don’t have other people’s names on them and I’ve never cared for fancy purses or makeup or fancy anything else for that matter. I have always worn what felt comfortable on my body and gave me joy to put on and move around my world in.

I enjoy having to budget my vacations. It makes me appreciate the experiences I plan and pay for.

I’ve never worn a suit and I get a kick out of wearing my toe shoes with anything and everything. You couldn’t pay me to wear a suit or heels. I have never worn ‘appropriate’ clothing and I’ve never known anything bad to come of it. Heck, for those of you who have been to my trainings, you know I teach barefoot because I am a better teacher when I’m connected to the world physically.

I’m grateful I don’t own any real estate! Been there, tried that. Didn’t like having to be responsible for so much stuff. I prefer renting and love that my landlord takes great care of my house. I’ve never needed to own a home to feel secure in my life day to day. Security is highly over-rated and rarely exists anywhere except in our minds.

What’s my point?

I just want you to notice two things:

First, whose life are you living right now? One that you’re comfortable in most of the time or one you think you should be living because you’ve bought into levels, classes, better thans and worse thans?

Second, are you inviting your children to grow into their true selves or forcing them to grow into any number of society’s acceptable roles…roles you might even live in but don’t care for yourself?

If there’s part of your life that isn’t you or you’re force feeding your kids into a life that you sense isn’t them, stop.

One of the nicest compliments I ever received from someone who met me years ago was a card that said something to the effect that I just seemed happy marching to the beat of my own drummer.

What beat are you marching to?

Just something to think about.


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