How to teach your kids to be millionaires

Whoever came up with the saying “money does not grow on trees” should be fired. I assume they either didn’t read or agree with Benjamin Franklin who said “money is of a prolific generating nature.”

Wouldn’t it be wiser to use the “money and trees” saying to motivate kids and young adults to become disciplined savers and investors?

It’s a perfect metaphor to help explain the compounding principle. Just ask kids to picture orchards and orchards filled with trees, filled with fruit, filled with seeds, which all started from one seed.

After all, compound interest is one of the most-compelling and persuasive tools available to encourage short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. Furthermore, disciplined savers and investors are rarely free spenders, thus accomplishing both objectives.

Money’s ability to compound is of one its’ most intriguing and beneficial features. Compounding does not discriminate. Its magical characteristics work for anyone who chooses to employ it, regardless of their ethnic, economic or social background.

The concept is so powerful, Steve Rosen, Kansas City Star Kids and Money columnist, wrote that it’s possible over a lifetime to become a millionaire while earning minimum wage. As incredible as that sounds, the math bears it out.

One of my favorite ice breakers to help initiate a conversation regarding this astounding principle is by asking the old question, “would you rather have $10,000 or a penny a day doubled for 30 days?” It turns out that a penny a day doubled for 30 days adds up to more than 10 million dollars! Of course, no investment doubles daily, but it’s a fun way to introduce this important concept.

Another great ice breaker is to ask how many times a dollar would have to double in order to reach a million dollars? The answer is 20. You can then add to the fun by asking “how much money a person would have after ten doublings of the dollar?” The answer is $1,024. Half the work amazingly equals less than one tenth of one percent of the benefits. What a huge error it would be to become distracted and disrupt the doublings at this point, say to purchase an X Box, a Home Video System or some other “necessary” item.

The largest doubling is the last doubling, which is worth $524, 288 and is equal to the sum of the first 19 doublings. However, the twentieth and last doubling isn’t possible without the first and smallest doubling, from one to two.

When something compounds, it grows at a much more rapid rate than one expects. Time is a major ingredient in the compound interest formula, so the longer money remains deposited or invested, the greater and more magical the compounding effect. This explains how it’s possible to become a millionaire over a lifetime while earning minimum wage.

Let me provide you a few examples of this principle in action.

If an 18-year-old saves $100 per month and earns 6% until the age of 65, he or she will have accumulated $313,187, while only investing $56,400. However, if he or she delays the decision until age twenty five, he or she will accumulate only $199,149, while investing $48,000. The difference is $114,038.

If the saver happens to earn a higher return of 9%, which is possible but requires more risk, than the difference in either deferring or being unaware of the decision is even more consequential — $420,417. The 18-year-old would accumulate $888,549 versus $468,132 for the 25-year-old. The actual dollar difference in what they would have invested would be $8,400. Whether they earned 6% or 9%, earning an additional $114, 038 or $420,417 by starting sooner rather than later is a smart way to accumulate money.

Simply stated compound interest allows the saver to earn interest on interest as opposed to just interest on principal. For example, assume money deposited for one year earns one hundred dollars in interest. During year two, the original money deposited will earn another year’s worth of interest or an additional one hundred dollars. However, during year two, the one hundred dollars of interest earned in year one also earns interest, catalyzing the compounding effect.

Fortunately, you don’t necessarily have to be able to explain this principle in order to use it as a motivational tool. All you have to do is expose kids to a compounding chart or calculator. You can find charts in personal finance books and financial calculators online. I suggest the online calculators because you can personalize saving and investment projections, which will add more motivational fuel to the fire. Or you can always ask your local credit union or bank manager for help.

In summary, the sooner one starts, the less it takes to reach one’s goals. So, if it is security and riches you want to create, start saving and investing early, not late.

Sam X Renick is the author of two financial books for children: It’s a Habit, Sammy Rabbit! and Will Sammy Ride the World’s First Space Coaster?; he also produced the music CD titled Get in the Habit!; and is the founder of The It’s a Habit! Company, Inc., (, a socially conscious corporation dedicated to providing parents and educators with wholesome, entertaining and educational tools that help them encourage children to develop good habits, especially saving money.

Did You Know?

Did you know splurging on a $3 coffee drink daily for a 15 year old is a one million-dollar life time decision? The same can be said for drinking two, 16-ounce bottles of designer water daily versus purchasing store bought water by the gallon. Ditto sodas purchased by the can or 20 ounce bottles versus by the liter.

What other million dollar habits and decisions do you see kids making?

Top Ten Ways to Make Financial Education Fun

Money. No matter how you look at it, on some level, you need it.

You need it for shelter. You need it for food. And you need it for a zillion other things that make life a little more convenient and enjoyable.

Whether you love it or despise it, it’s part of life and the sooner you learn how to make it, manage it and make it grow, the sooner you begin to enjoy its potential to fill your life with experiences that bring joy to you and those around you.

The ability to manage money wisely directly correlates to the ability to live independently and successfully, so it’s no surprise that there are hundreds of financial literacy curriculums available to empower children with the critical financial tools and information they need.

The challenge with most of those curriculums, though, is making them fun and effective.

Most financial literacy curriculums are flat out boring. They are missing the one component that makes them effective…a profoundly unique delivery method.

Key Component: The Delivery Method

We’ve all experienced exciting, mind-stimulating presentations that made learning fun and easy and we can all point to those that were boring and irrelevant that served as merely a means to catch up on doodling practice or missed sleep.

Creating a stimulating learning environment in which to teach financial education to kids and teens has its particular challenges.

Not only it is challenging to convince kids they need to know this information NOW but we’re teaching to generations of children who are used to being entertained.

Given these challenges, how DO you make financial education fun and effective for kids of any age? We’ve found the answer: use Accelerated Learning!

The Key to Teaching Financial Education: Accelerated Learning

Accelerated Learning (A.L.) is the most advanced teaching and learning method available today. It’s the most powerful tool available for speeding and enhancing both the design process and the learning process. Based on the latest brain research, it has proven again and again to increase the effectiveness of learning while saving time and money for the instructor.

Accelerated Learning, in a nutshell, is TEACHING to all three learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) USING all three learning styles and doing it in an environment that both enhances and encourages learning.

Effective Accelerated Learning techniques makes learning any kind of information fun, enjoyable and easy to remember.

So, since Accelerated Learning makes teaching any topic easier and more effective, let’s look at how we can apply this methodology to make financial education work for you.

There are basically 10 components of Accelerated Learning you can apply to make any financial literacy program fun and effective for your students, regardless of age!

Note: The following information is completely relevant for speakers, presenters, teachers or coaches in the financial education arena. The techniques work with all ages and with all topics.

Ten Components Of Accelerated Learning

1: Make it Relevant

Human beings generally have no interest in learning that which they don’t see as relevant to their lives in some way. We all know what happens when we put people in an environment where they are asked to learn something they don’t want to learn or aren’t interested in. They start talking to each other, fidget, figure out ways to leave, daydream or doodle in their notebooks.

It’s even more obvious with children. If you ask them to sit and watch something or listen to someone talk for any period of time, they wiggle and squiggle, roll their eyes, talk and ask lots of questions like, “Is it over yet?”

Yet put them in front of something that they find interesting, and even a two-year-old will sit still.

Topics must be made relevant and interesting or the information falls on deaf ears, and eyes. Even if YOU think the information is absolutely necessary, if it isn’t relevant to the one you want to teach then you are wasting everyone’s time and energy.

So how DO you make financial freedom and security relevant to an 8-year-old or a 12-year-old or even a 16-year-old? Great question.

The answer involves going into their world. In order to figure out how to relate what you want to teach them, you must understand what it’s like to be 10 or 12 or 16. Only then can you begin to shape your message in a relevant way that will reach out and grab them.

Find a way to relate it to their lives. You can start by asking them what matters!

2: Enroll Them

Once you figure out how to make your financial education program relevant, your next step is to enroll them in the idea of learning. Enrolling is how you ‘hook’ your audience; get them to want to be there. When your audience is properly enrolled, they are ready to learn.

Here are three basic verbal methods the professional experts use to enroll their audiences:

• Enrolling Questions & Scenarios.

Asking your audience a couple of relevant questions can immediately get them involved in the subject matter. Raise YOUR hand and get them to raise THEIR hand in agreement. Enrolling questions usually come in pairs and your goal is to enroll 100% of the audience. Sometimes this means thinking on your feet!

In a course about money, you might ask…

“How many of you like to spend money on things that you want?”
“How many of you want to grow up to have all the money you want and need so you can live the way you want to?

You can also use something like this…

“Imagine just for a moment, waking up every morning with the ability to do whatever you want. If I told you I had the secrets to that kind of life, would you want to learn them?”

A simple way to enroll children, in particular, is to invite them to visualize a particular situation and ask for their advice and feedback about how they would handle the situation. A good example would be “wanting a new pair of shoes but not having enough money” or “having a friend who asks you to borrow money”. The more we can invite them to role-play situations that help them experience “financial risk”, the better they will be prepared to handle those situations. Another scenario would be asking children to visualize what they will be like when they are older. Ask who will be paying for their food when they leave home, who will buy the gas for the car, stuff like that.

Bottom line…ask questions that will eventually reach 100% or your audience.

• Announcements with meaning.

This is a way to reconnect with someone who has mentally left the room and “jar” them back into the program. An announcement goes something like this: “I was sick and tired of being broke!” or “The time is NOW!”

Bottom line…make announcements with a strong conviction.

• Staggering Statistics.

This type of enrolling method involves using well-researched statistics. The statistic you use must be 100% true or you will lose your credibility. The statement is used to get your audience’s attention.

Perhaps something like…

“Our country is currently in debt to a tune of over $11 Trillion dollars!”
“College students are moving back home at an unprecedented rate!”
“College students are graduating with $_________ in credit card debt, with no ability to make the payments.”

Along the same lines, don’t hesitate to provide a group of children or teens with real statistics…

• like the fact that it takes approximately $300,000 to raise a child from 0-17.

Then ask them how many children they want to have!

• like how much they’ll end up paying for that first new car they finance.

Ask them if they think the car was really worth it?

• like how much buying a $4 coffee drink adds up to over 40 years at 10% interest.

Ask them if they’d rather live on that money later or drink it once.

Bottom line…startle them with facts!

Regardless of which methods you use, be concise, powerful and full of conviction. Pay attention to the response you get from your enrolling methods so you continue to modify for each presentation or class. You will quickly find that the more time you spend crafting your enrolling questions, the better and more effective your teaching experiences are for your students.

Bottom line…find a way to hook them and you’re half way there.

3: Make it Interesting

Here’s how you know when a child or adult is bored…they LOOK bored! It’s simple…no matter how interested they might be in the topic before you started teaching, if they are bored, you might as well forget about it.

There are some very simple ways to make learning anything interesting. Here are a few:

Ask Questions. Because questions hook the mind and keep us engaged, our brains stay active thinking of the answers to questions and problems that are thrown our way. Have them answer the questions out loud by raising their hands.

Two critical parts of this type of instruction are often left out. First, make sure you acknowledge the person for asking the question. Second, thank the person after the question is answered. Asking for a round of applause also keeps the energy high and makes the person feel great.

Tip: When someone asks a question, before answering, ask the audience if someone knows the answer. If they do, acknowledge that person by asking for a round of applause or snaps (see Celebrating Section).

Ask, Don’t Tell. Before ‘teaching’ anything, find out if a member of the audience knows the information first. It’s very common for someone in the room to know the information you are teaching and this will acknowledge them as well as involve the rest of the audience in the conversation. It’s great when the presentation isn’t all about the presenter!

Use Stories and Metaphor. Nothing is more attention getting than a great story. Weave the information or lesson into a story with a character they can relate to and you’ve got a winning combination. Craft the character to be the same age as your audience, with similar interests, concerns, likes and dislikes. Decide well in advance exactly what the character will do in the story in order to learn whatever it is you want your audience to learn.

4: Make it Active and Interactive

There is saying that goes like this, “Everything is energy.” If you’ve taught anyone at all, you understand the importance of keeping the energy high in the room, for yourself AND your learners. And this goes with any age…young to old.

Studies show that most people learn better and remember more when they’re moving in one way or another. Incorporating the information into a physical activity helps make it easer to learn and more fun to teach and keeps the energy high for those involved.

In addition, because human beings are relationship oriented, provide plenty of opportunity for students to learn from each other and share their own experiences. This type of educational environment helps kids know they are not alone. And sometimes it’s just more fun to learn things as a team.

One way of making it interactive is to consider your programs ‘conversations’ instead of lectures. When you have a conversation with someone, you talk, they talk, and on and on.

A great way to do this in a controlled way is to use CALLBACKS. A callback is when you say something and then immediately ask them to repeat the information. An example might look like this…

“So, one of the most amazing ways you can invest for your future it to put money in the stock market. WHERE can you put money?” And they say, “Stock market.”

“The three assets most wealthy people invest in are real estate, the stock market and businesses. WHAT are the three ways?” They say, “Real estate, stock market and business.”

You can also do it this way…

“One of the most important habits you can do with money is to Pay Yourself First.” Say that whole sentence with me. And they will repeat it.

It takes a bit of practice but it’s an powerful way to not only get them to remember what you’re teaching but to stay involved and engages.

One additional way to keep the energy high in a learning environment is to be very aware of these three states: physical, emotional and mental. If you sense that the energy in the room is going down, all you have to do it change ONE state and you’ll change all three. Because learning is incredibly ‘state dependent’, learning to recognize and change your learners states is one of the most valuable skills you can learn and use.

5: Make it Experiential (full of feeling)

Experiential teaching means letting the learner physically or emotionally experience what you’re trying to learn. In the case of teaching kids about earned income, for example, you can physically hand them money for something they traded their time and energy for as well as money for something they did that might pay them over and over again (write a book, buy a rental property, invest in a stock that pays dividends). That simple gesture of handing them money elicits internal responses that will help embed the information.

6: Teach to All Three Learning Styles

Most people learn visually, auditorily or kinesthetically or a combination of any two or three. This means we learn by seeing, hearing and feeling, both physically and emotionally.

Teaching to all of these learning styles helps ensure that every student receives the information in a manner they can process best.

As an example, when you say, “There are five ways…”, use your hand to illustrate the number five as well as write the number 5 in a bright color on a flipchart or dry-erase board.

Hint: Be BIG. If you want someone to move 6″, you have to illustrate this by moving 12″. Use your whole body when you teach. Be excited and inspiring if you want your students to be excited and inspired.

7: Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

When YOU say something, it’s one thing. When you get your students to say something, it’s a completely different story. When THEY say it, it’s locked into their minds in a more profound way.

Many people don’t learn the first time they are exposed to a concept, idea or piece of information. Think of your teaching as ‘exposing’ them to information and know that it takes often takes repetition for information to sink in. As an example, in a financial literacy workshop, have your students repeat sayings and principles like Pay Yourself First over and over again.

Hint: put principles on large colorful pieces of paper and hang on the wall. Give students a reward every time they hear the principles, run up and point to the principle and make the other students recite the principle out loud.

8: Make it Catchy

Think of a commercial that you have found yourself repeating. “Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun,” probably brings up an image of the classic McDonald’s Big Mac in the hearts and minds of most Americans.

Ask yourself how you can turn the information you’re teaching into catchy phrases, poems, and songs. Make information rhyme or fit into a pattern and, just know, that the funnier you make it, the easier it is to remember.

9: Make it FUN!

Laughter is not only the best medicine…it’s the best learning method. Think of a time when something was really funny to you. Do you remember what was going on? Chances are you do.

Put the concepts and information you want to teach into a game or activity that makes your students laugh and you’ll never have to ‘teach’ it again. When you do this, your learners end up learning as a result of the game or activity; it becomes a natural result of the experience. You literally weave the lessons into the activity and before you know it, they’ve got it.

Note: They don’t always understand what they have just learned, but at least you’ve got it in their little computer brains where it will stay and be processed until it’s needed at a later date.

10: Celebrate!

Imagine being acknowledged every time you raised your hand with an answer to a question your teacher just asked. Think about what it would feel like to have an entire group of people snap their fingers three times just because you stood up to ask a question or make a comment. Visualize how inspired you’d feel if the teacher said, “Great Job!” just because you participated in an activity.

Wouldn’t you be more inclined to stay involved in the learning environment? Wouldn’t you WANT to participate? Wouldn’t you WANT to show up, ready to play, eager to learn?

This is only a partial list of benefits from celebrating learning. If it’s good for a football team, it’s good for your classroom.

End Result: Making it Sticky

All of these teaching ideas, combined with the power of accelerated learning, makes the information STICKY. Students learn faster, remember more and have a whole lot of fun learning information that would probably be boring and ineffective in any other setting.

Leaving home and school with financial wisdom is critical to every child’s success as they forge their own way in the adult world.

By using these teaching tips to teach financial education, you not only improve the chances more of our youth living happy, successful adult lives but you can know that you’ve been a huge part in that success. And isn’t that every teacher’s dream?

BONUS TIP: Use financial literacy as a platform to teach everything else.

Do you want to really make learning relevant to your students? Great…think about this.

What if children learned how to read by studying business plans, reading articles about life and health, writing book reports on success journals of all types?

What if children learned math by creating budgets, learning to shop smart, researching stocks and creating financial statements?

What if children learned to write by writing business plans and advertising copy, business correspondence and hand-written personal letters?

What if children learned art and music by creating graphics, websites, composing advertising jingles and more for businesses they create?

THIS would make education relevant, experiential, effective and fun! It would be education that would stick with your child forever, giving them a lifetime of skills and information to make, manage and multiply their money wisely. The result? An adult who is financially responsible and who understands the power and value of doing good in the world.

THIS is how we change the world…one child at a time!

For more information on YOU can learn how to teach your financial literacy programs in the most amazingly affective way, check out our Creative Wealth Train-the-Trainer workshops and join us soon.

Elisabeth Donati is the owner of Creative Wealth Intl., LLC and creator of Camp Millionaire, a unique financial intelligence program for youth.
Elisabeth is known as The Financial Literacy Lady

Elisabeth is an expert in teaching the basic financial principles everyone needs in a way that is engaging, empowering and fun.

She is the author of The Ultimate Allowance and the weekly ezine full of thought provoking insight and information on all things financial literacy related…
Financial Wisdom with a TWI$T.

Here is a collection of places you can buy bitcoin online right now.

The Top 5 Mistakes Women Make With Money

Women may control the purse strings in most households, making 80% of all consumer purchases and paying more than 60% of the household bills, but many struggle with a love/hate relationship with money.

In today’s world it’s more important than ever for women to have a healthy relationship with money, know how to deal with it, how to make it grow and how to pass that knowledge along to their children. The first step is to understand what they’re now doing wrong and why.

1. Letting Someone Else Deal with Money Issues

In some households, it’s the husband who handles all the money issues. In others, money matters are given over to a professional who advises and invests. Whatever the scenario, everyone needs to know what’s happening to their money and be actively involved in making decisions regarding finances. Everyone – men and women – should know how much money comes into the household, how much goes out, and what they have in savings and investments. Having a clear picture of your financial situation will allow you to make better decisions and feel more comfortable about your future.

2. Not Talking about Money

Why is it so hard to talk about money? It’s a part of everyone’s life and there’s nothing dirty or secretive about it!

Talking about money is especially important for couples. Money, not sex, is the number one reason for marital discord but couples are often uncomfortable talking about finances. For many, it’s a sensitive subject that no one wants to broach.

Communicating about money isn’t just about numbers. Each of us has a different money style and personal views on spending, saving and financial planning. Simply talking about how you feel about money, your past experiences, and your future goals helps to establish healthy communication about money matters.

For parents, it’s critical to talk openly and honestly about money with children. Start early and teach them about earning, spending and saving and they’ll have a head start on a bright financial future.

3. Not having a Budget

It’s one of the basics when it comes to money management yet many households don’t have a budget. While it can seem a bit overwhelming, the time it takes to track income and spending is well worth it. It can be as detailed or broad as you feel comfortable with but it’s invaluable as a roadmap to your future. A budget helps you stay out of debt, understand what and where you spend your money, and it can help remind you of your goals and make it easier to save.

4. Not Treating all Money the Same

There’s a term that’s used in behavioral economics called mental accounting. It refers to how we treat money from different sources differently. Whether it’s a windfall from lottery winnings, a tax refund, or money in the bank you’ve worked hard to save – it’s all money – but there’s a tendency to treat it differently. Money that comes to us without much effort is sometimes seen as less important. For example, if you got a bonus at work, would you put it into your savings account or would you spend it?

If you treat all your money the same, you’ll find you have more of it to go around.

5. Having the Wrong Attitude About Money

There’s a popular saying that money changes everything. Money can affect career decisions, relationship choices and self-esteem. It can be a major stressor and affect health.

Why are we so conflicted in our feelings about money? Because we deal with money in emotional ways. Some people are infatuated with money and allow it rule their lives. Others spend as a way to make themselves feel better. And some are so afraid of not having money that they hoard it and have a difficult time spending it and enjoying it.

Once you take the emotion out of money you can deal with it in a logical, rational way. People with a healthy attitude about money know that it can’t buy happiness but the choices we make regarding money can go a long way toward making our lives better.

Get the free report ‘5 Millionaire Tips for Women: 25 Steps You Can Take Today’ at Stephanie J. Hale was once a struggling single mother. Today, she’s a successful entrepreneur and speaker, teaching other women how to achieve financial freedom.

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Fear of the Unknown Can Paralyze You from New Opportunity

It has been proven time and time again that most people do not like change and they will go to any means to make sure their life remains in a state of isolation. There is a mystical state of fear for most when it comes to anything adversely, or perceived adversity, to their preconditioned state of mind.

If their job is keeping them in a cruise control state, even if it’s in the midst of the worst road construction and destruction ever, they will most likely continue on that known path and status quo.

If someone is in a marriage that is unfulfilled and completely out of harmony with their core values, most will stay in that channel of “comfortable in their own misery” until the circumstances get so bad they have then sacrificed a good portion of who they are to please the other party.

The Question is…WHY?

There is a real underlying factor and pandemic state in our society right now that stems from our lack of trust in the governmental and socioeconomic system and it has caused many domino effects in our decision making processes.

We are programmed through the media, TV, newspapers and Hollywood hit movies that fear, mistrust in someone or some organization is the norm and we must submit to the fear and isolate ourselves and hope a bailout of some sort is coming. This has caused an epidemic shadow on the light of the human spirit. We have somehow come to the conclusion that if we lose our jobs we will lose all security and hope for the future in terms of providing for our families. Most never think of the possibilities of other ways and means of wealth creation; only the misapplied and manipulated big governmental constraints that are bestowed upon us.

The JOB mentality often kills the human spirit with incongruent messages to the brain of self mastery, self introspection, self awareness and self conclusions. The idea that someone other than ourselves can control our time, destiny and overall future plans is totally antipodal to the human spirit.

This country was built upon principles of Free Enterprise networking and exchange for value systems whereby the main mode of inclusion was the relationships and communication amongst the people within a self functional paradigm. In short, the people within a society were responsible for self exchange and wealth creation by bartering and exchanging resources, value sets and strength of actions from all involved for a common goal. Government was only involved to the extent in business commerce to provide a check and balance amongst the states and the people trading within the municipalities.

Right now, with our financial collapse in full bloom and no end in sight, it is the perfect time for the American Spirit of Free Enterprise to awaken again. We are surrounded by certain and systematic opportunities everyday for us to take advantage of.

The Internet has provided a complete set of new rules and paradigms whereby information travels so fast and with such a force that we can leverage and harness that power to help individuals and organizations find their purpose again. Networking in Free Enterprise and network marketing has provided the antithesis to the JOB (J.ust O.ver B.roke) scarcities and minimalist ideal. The Internet has provided a playground for play makers and a business model for serious entrepreneurs to start their own home businesses and begin their new life journey of personal empowerment.

We have been so manipulated into thinking that we must go to school, get a good job, buy a house (our largest asset, WRONG) and live the life of a credit card debt just to keep up with the Jones’s mentality, that we have lost the vision of how true wealth is created and mastered in Free Enterprise. Leveraging the internet and the internet searches for home businesses will allow us to tap into systems and processes that are built for automation, duplication and branding on the internet.

There are some very simple steps you can take to start a small and recapture that buried inner spirit we all have for self-mastery and self-creation. We were all born with a specific purpose and talent, but unfortunately our jobs do not allow it to come out.

You may not realize it but there is one thing we all have in common.

Which of these scenarios feels better…depositing your paycheck into a checking account every week after a grueling 5 days at the office, or helping a little old lady in need as she drops her groceries in the store?

It’s obvious, right? Helping people is how we are built; it’s internal and it’s how we regain our power to succeed.

You see, it’s all about helping someone else achieve their goals and dreams by helping them, coaching them and guiding them with your skill set. We all have these skill sets and this is what unleashes the power of leverage on the internet.

The second most common search on the internet, right behind travel, is done by people wanting to start their own home-based business. WHY? Well, if they haven’t lost their jobs already, they are being challenged by that little voice in their heads that says, “Why do I keep coming here when it’s killing me inside and out and I’m making very little money?”

And here is the issue to keep in mind…people don’t necessarily want money; they want the freedom that money can provide.

Think about it. Do people really work to pile their money in a bank account for no reason at all? NO, they want to create a lifestyle that gives them the freedoms that our forefathers meant for us when they created Free Enterprise System.

The secret is this…just like the Gold Rush, where the spirit became the driving force to wealth creation and exchange for value, the internet is the new force for wealth creation and exchange for value and it’s ready to be mined right now!

Scott Lifer- Master Internet Marketer, Coach and Mentor for Mega Information Era. Professional Speaker and master motivator.

Join the revolution and mentorship journey to success….

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The 3 types of people and the role they play in our future

When times get tough we tend to forget what makes the world go around. Financial collapse, big government control and collectivism, bailouts and an overall mood of apathy towards life is the recipe for disaster if we don’t wake up soon.

A simple truth and ideology is that it’s not government or collectivism that is the backbone of our society and it’s creations, but people, with their thoughts, ideas and creativity that drive our economy in good times and in bad. We must WAKE UP soon and realize there is not and never has been any “magic pill” that can change us back to a free republic now that the cartel based money manipulators have stolen the power and control, for now?

There are three types of people that we must dissect and discern with their actions and beliefs if we are to devise a plan of action moving forward in this paradigmatic shift in our society. You see, the inception of our government was built by the people and for the people not for government rule over the people. It was built on a check and balance system whereby no one person or entity created by the people could get too big in scope and coterie as to avoid greed, corruption and ultimate tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson believed we must create a system whereby even the scoundrels can exist. In short, if the methods and practices and the roles of government are defined and implemented with a force and affect for the goodness of all man to create his or her own destiny, individualism will prevail over collectivism.


The first group of people are without a doubt the most problematic and dangerous to our recovery. This is the “don’t know what just happened and don’t care” conglomerate. They are comprised of couch potatoes, complainers of the status quo, existing in the life of reality TV and have the overall presence of a lawn chair.

These people succumb to the heat and force of the socioeconomic collapse and believe a bailout for their existence is eminent with a wait and see attitude. Their number one source of information and intellect is their local newspaper of which we all know is nothing but sensationalism and printed garbage to keep us in a mental state of fear. These people do not comprehend subject matter outside of their little circle of influences. Their main concerns are Obama’s next speech on the state of our economy (oh there’s a newsflash), health care reform (yah that will be solved soon), how their neighbors afforded that new RV sitting next door, and what on earth they will do for dinner?

We could literally go from socialism to a complete martial law with a militia police rule and they would ask, “I wonder how this will affect us and our property tax?”


The second assemblage, while important in the sheer numbers they embody, are still a major thorn in the side of restoration projects of constitutional and free enterprise individualism. They are the avatar of the “herd mentality”, the followers to the degree to which they breathe. Their idea of an original thought is to use their DVR to record “The biggest loser” so they can watch “Dancing with the Stars” instead.

We have to give them credit, they usually have a clue as to what is happening, but just don’t know why it’s happening or what caused it. They will always tune into the state of the union address, purchase the latest I Pod or buy a bigger motor home just to show up Bernie and Ethel across the street. They are your typical keeping up with the Jones’s mentality to keep step with perceived social status. They do however provide a crucial component to society and that is the ability to follow a movement so long as they do not have to sacrifice any self introspection or originality.

Once they have done their individual due diligence to a new concept and are comfortable with the change agents methodologies they can provide the substance and brawn to carry out direct orders. For instance, if a group or organization comprised of innovative leaders began a movement to the masses to change a political ideal within their municipality they would certainly march to the same drum, stuff letters to their congressmen or watch a march on city hall on the television. You have got to solute that exuberance. Thanks to all who herd.


The third and most eccentric collection are the “better to ask for forgiveness than permission” wolverines. Their idea of reality TV is to create their own lynch mob and take out all forms of tyranny and “vote off” all forms of governmental collectivists.

When they wake up in the morning, the first thing they turn on is not their TV but their laptop to see if anyone joined their “get me out of this madness” Face book group. This aggregation just has the mentality of organizing and implementing new concepts that will truly free the people and get us back to principles of free enterprise, exchange for value, tangible monetary policy backed by gold and silver, abolishment of the Federal Reserve System and an overall sense of free spirited network marketers to take advantage of internet commerce as the new gold rush that it is. They believe a JOB (J.ust O.ver B.roke) should be abolished and coaching and mentorship should prevail in free enterprise wealth creation in network marketing.

All the wealth is already in existence it’s just in the methodology that we have put us into a debt based society. They know we have the power to change and regain our civil liberties and they are willing to do whatever it takes to be heard but not herd?

In order to survive and thrive in this new shift in our economy and intense isolationism bestowed upon on us by the cartel based manipulators, we must ban together and create more of the third group or we are in trouble. Oh and here is a little secret that may help us all no matter which group we fall into, whether they admit it or not, posse’s #1 and #2 are always aspiring to be in platoon #3. We can make it happen if we are willing to treat everyone equally to coach, educate and mentor them in a free society.

For more information on Scott and his programs, visit his website here.

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