Allowance Question for Parents

by | Jan 24, 2006

We want to know how you do allowances!

  • Do you believe in them or not?
  • How young did you start your kids?
  • Do you believe in paymenht for chores or not?
  • Do you change the amount as they get older?
  • Do you make them responsible for some or all of their own purchases?
  • What if they want you to buy stuff for them?

Tell us all the details and why. And if you don’t have a clue how to approach allowances, get my new book, The Ultimate Allowance, available from our store. It shows you how to take the money you’re spending ON your kids and run it THROUGH them instead. This way they get tons of practice, they stop asking you for money all the time and by the time they leave home they are able to move out and stay out! Except for visits and laundry of course.


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