The Money Game is a big hit!

by | Aug 16, 2010

You know how one person can make your day? Well, this morning at Creative Wealth we got a great letter from Steve. Steve purchased The Money Game® a while back and just used it to teach 21 kids and teens this past weekend and he took the time to send us this great email on how it went (it went GREAT!).

I thought you might enjoy reading his letter…we sure did!


We had a great time playing the game the week before last week Thursday and Friday and there were 21 young people (9-17) and 4 adults who attended. 11 boys and 10 girls. All the adults were women.

I had them preregister at church the week before, and when they signed in they got a t-shirt with a logo. It was a surprise (I had my two daughters estimate the t-shirt sizes for the participants). White for small and goldenrod for the other sizes. Attached is a picture. Everyone got an around the neck name tag and we decorated it with small motivational stickers and had the recipient write their own name.

The icebreaker you sent came just at the right time and they had a blast with it. I chose a piano piece by George Gershwin as the music and it was fine. I think the title is Maple Rag.

It appears that the younger boys have a shorter attention span than the girls so I adjusted to address it the next evening (gave a little more attention and assigned older kids to assist).

We closed out the money game and the next day presented them with their “Diploma’s”. They were so excited. We will do it over more days next year.

Thanks for all your help we all had a blast. The adults got the report and are eager for their turn. The adult money school is scheduled for September 19.

I really appreciate all your help and for creating the game. I want to attend the Train the Trainer later in the year.

Regards, Steve


Looking for the best way to teach financial education to kids, teens and adults?

Check out The Money Game®


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