by | Apr 29, 2010

Positive thinking, powerful prayer, and raising your vibration. Is this how you’re going to create financial security? Without getting real with your money, none of this will make a difference. No zero’s will be added to your bank balance.

Until you acknowledge and accept where you are and where your money is, all of the positive thought in the world has no place to land. Without a foundation of reality, all you’re living on, really, is a lottery mentality. You’re waiting for fate to deliver a miracle, a magic spell, an inheritance without anyone you love having to die. Am I being harsh? You bet I am.

broken finances

Are Your Finances Sad?

Getting real often takes a shoulder shaking, attention-getting event…or hitting rock bottom. I’m here to get you into reality BEFORE tragedy has to strike to get you to look at your financial situation. And, if you’ve already hit bottom or are in the midst of a crisis that is impacting your financial well-being, then you already know that it’s time to change course.

Question: How long are you willing to live on hope?

Most women (and men) avoid, hide, or pretend to be something they’re not when it comes to money. We either have too much or too little. We don’t want to be judged based on our financial status and yet we keep defining ourselves that way.

We hide what we make and we hide what we don’t make. We avoid conversations (and sometimes entire relationships) based on our discomfort around money. Often times, we avoid the conversation with those we love most. And if you don’t think this has an impact on your availability for intimacy, it’s only a matter of time before you find out you’re wrong.

Again. I know I’m being harsh. That’s because I want THIS TO BE YOUR WAKE UP CALL.

How long will you operate at diminished power? How long will you wait to live a full life…to experience the things money buys? Another month? A year? Five? Ten? How much time do you have for this charade? Seriously.

We’re in the business of shining a light on your darkest, most vulnerable places and MONEY will almost always lead us there.

I’m not talking to you from some high horse, you have to know. I’ve been there. I’ve lived many years with only half of me available for relationship. I know how exhausting it can be to make up for the part of you that’s not there. I’ve lived in avoidance, shame, guilt, delusion, hope, prayer, unworthiness, depression, fear, fog, paralysis… you name it.

It wasn’t until I looked in the mirror and, yes, GOT REAL with money that I started to find my financial footing, my solid ground, my creative self, and my inherent resourcefulness.

The good news? EVERYONE can find financial freedom by getting real.

Don’t think about it anymore. Just call for your personal assessment today.

(You can contact Jan directly at for more information about “Getting Real With Your Finances”.)


  1. Kimberley

    Superb! Jan, I really enjoyed reading this. The first line definitely is attention-getting. I look forward to more wonderful things to come!

  2. Miss E

    Jan, you did a great job with this article. Really shakes people up so they see the light:-).

  3. Curt Harding


    Excellent post! I’d love to send you a book or two. I’m a publicist with Thomas Nelson (Dave Ramsey’s Publisher). If you’re interested, email me.

  4. Carolyn

    great article – touches the heart of the money matters!

  5. Cindy

    the stars have aligned on this one! your article put into words exactly what i have been feeling and thinking in the past few weeks! thanks for being willing to share your knowledge, experience and words. i look forward to more great articles.


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