The Money Jars Activity

by | Jun 1, 2010

Managing money wisely is one of the most important skills necessary to becoming a financially savvy adult. Only problem is that very few of us actually learned a system or strategy for managing our money.  This is where the Money Jars Activity comes in.

You see, most people grow up thinking that money has one job…spending. And it’s not their fault! After all, this is what they saw modeled for them for years while they were growing up. But if this is truly what you think money is for, you’ll never have much extra to make your dreams come true, help others make their dreams come true and create financial freedom for yourself.

The Money Jars activity shows that money actually has six or more ‘jobs’ so you can begin to use money differently. You might have heard of using envelopes or different accounts (which these can ultimately be). After you learn about The Money Jars, you’ll see the power in compartmentalizing your uses for your income using The Money Jars.

Here’s Darren teaching and reviewing The Money Jars with our
Camp Millionaire kids last summer…

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The Money Jars

Want to learn how to use The Money Jars to manage your money like a pro? Check out The Money Jars: Your Magically Money Management System.

[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]

The Money Jars

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Introducing Your New Best Financial Friend…The Money Jars!

The Money Jars is a powerful activity and our participants (ages 10-70) often tell us it’s one of the most valuable financial habits they learn in our programs.

botton Click here to download The Money Jars Activity Lesson.
video Video of The Money Jars
Please feel free to download Elisabeth’s ebook, The Money Jars…Your Magical Money Management System and learn all about The Money Jars.

And as always, if you have questions about any activity, please call the office at 805-957-1024 or email[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


  1. admin

    Hi Monica,

    I’ll check on this. You should be able to access it immediately…Elisabeth

  2. admin

    Monica, can you check now?

  3. Monica

    Yes, I can access the site now. Thank-you!


  4. Patricia Davis

    Couldn’t access The Money Jars e-book. Please help. Thanks.

    • Elisabeth

      Hi Patricia. Thanks for calling. Hopefully you figured it out.

  5. Jim




  1. F.A.Q. about Events, Savings and Winning The Money Game - [...] pause, realizing I hadn’t hard-wired this lesson right into the game. The answer is taught in The Money Jars…

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