The Shiny Object Syndrome: What Keeps Us From Our Dreams

by | Dec 17, 2009

The Shiny Object Syndrome: What Keeps Us From Our Dreams
So there you are, journal and pen in hand. This year it’s going to be different.
You’d written down your primary goal for the coming year and by golly, this year you’re going to read it, or else!
And the, along comes ‘the shiny object’. You know, that thing that looks so enticing that you just have to take a little teeny detour to check it out.
Only problem is that once you get close enough to check it out you realize it’s not really as shiny as you thought it was.
So, off you go, back to your original goal but now it’s days, weeks or even months since you’ve been on this path and you have to get your bearing back but it feels so good and right to be working on your goal again.
Until, yup, you guessed it. Out of the corner of your eye you spot ANOTHER shiny object and there you go again.
What happens when we allow ourselves to be distracted, sidetracked (literally, back and forth and back and forth) instead of heading directly toward our goal is that we delay reaching that goal for days, months or years. Or, worse, we never reach it at all.
The question is, “How DO you stay focused on that original goal?” Let’s look at some of the strategies you can put into place to do just that.
1) Get a Coach
Having a business or life coach is top two strategies successful people use to accomplish their goals. Having someone to be accountable to helps you stay on track, keeps you focused and helps you avoid going off to check out those shiny object.
Finding a mentor, business or life coach is much easier than it may sound. The first way is to make a list of successful people you know and ask if they might be willing to exchange mentoring or coaching for you helping them with their business or projects. Always ask how you can help them in exchange for them helping you.
Check out the internet for great coaching resourses. The web is full of coaches ready and willing to help you reach your goals. For those of us who serve as coaches to others, it’s our highest honor to help you be successful. We love helping people succeed! (Always get a couple of referrals before you start working with someone and ask for a complementary session to get a feel for their style and process.
2) Join a Mastermind Group.
A mastermind group is a collective of minds who not only keep you accountable, they provide invaluable feedback, suggestions and guidance along the way. It’s a business support group that allows you to go together to places you might not be able to go so easily on your own.
3) Write your goals down daily first thing in the morning on the top of your ‘to do’ list (you DO have a to do list, right?). This will keep it in the forefront of your mind every day, all day long.
4) Draw a picture of what it will look like to reach this goal and put it where you can see it every day. Put this same picture in several places in your office and/or home to remind you where you decided to go.
5) Find a friend or business associate to help you stay on course. Most of us are prone to the ‘shiny object syndrome’ during our lives. Simply admit it and put a system in place to help you cope with it.
Call your friend and say, “I’ve spotted a shiny object! Can you help me talk through it for a few minutes and then remind me of my goals?”
This way you have a fun way of dealing with all of the great ideas that come your way without letting them take you away from your main goals.
6) Keep a Shiny Object Journal.
This is where you simply write the idea, concept, opportunity or project down for safe keeping. This way you won’t forget it and you can even go back and visit it once in a while to add little details if you choose to think about it once and a while, but it doesn’t take you off your predetermined path.
The key to dealing with the ‘shiny object syndrome’ is to put systems and strategies in place that help you deal with it before it happens. This way you, 1) recognize it’s happening and 2) initiate the strategy that works best for you to keep you focused.
So here’s your next steps:
1) Decide which of the above (or or more) will work best for you.
2) Contact the person/people who can help you put the systems in place.
3) Role-play the system so you know exactly how it will go.
4) Write an agreement with yourself and the other person/people so everyone is on the same page.
5) Put it into action and use it regularly.
There you have it. You will no longer be distracted by another shiny object again!
Next stop is Goal Completion! Enjoy it, savor it, visualize it finished and remember, shiny objects are fun to look at briefly, but if you look at them long enough, they will blind you from your goals.

So there you are, journal and pen in hand. Your goals are poised to take their first step toward becoming a reality. You’re about to officially write them down and commit to making them happen.

This year it’s going to be different. This year you’re going to reach your goals, or else!

The Shiny Object Syndrome

The Shiny Object Syndrome

And then, along comes… ‘the shiny object’. You know…that thing that looks so enticing that you just have to take a teeny, tiny detour to check it out.

Only problem is that once you get close enough to check it out, you realize it’s not really as shiny as you thought it was.

So, off you go, back to your original goal but now it’s days, weeks or even months since you’ve been on this path. You have to get your bearings back but it feels so right to be working on your goals again.

Until…yup, you guessed it. Out of the corner of your eye you spot ANOTHER shiny object and off you go again.

What happens when we allow ourselves to be distracted, sidetracked (literally, back and forth and back and forth) instead of heading directly toward a goal is that we delay reaching our goals for days, months or even years. Or, worse, we never reach it at all.

The question is, “How do you stay focused on that original goal?” Let’s look at some of the powerful strategies you can put into place to do just that.

1) Get a Coach.

Having a business or life coach is one of the top two strategies successful people use to accomplish their goals. Having someone to be accountable to helps you stay on track, keeps you focused and helps you avoid going off to check out those shiny objects.

Finding a mentor, business or life coach is much easier than it may sound. The first step is to make a list of successful people you know who may be willing to mentor or coach you. It’s best to find someone who has been successful in the area you want to be successful in. And always ask how you can help them in exchange for them helping you.

Next, check out the internet for great coaching resourses. The web is overflowing with business and life coaches ready and willing to help you reach your goals. For those of us who serve as coaches, it’s our highest honor to help you be successful. We love helping people succeed! (Always get at least two referrals before you start working with someone and ask for a complementary session to get a feel for their style and process.)

2) Join a Mastermind Group.

A mastermind group is a collective of minds who not only keep you accountable, they provide invaluable feedback, suggestions and guidance along the way. It’s a business support group that allows you to go together to places you might not be able to go so easily on your own.

3) Write your goals regularly.

Take a few seconds every morning to write down your main goals at the top of your ‘to do’ list (you DO have a to do list, right?). This will keep it in the forefront of your mind every day, all day long.

4) Create a Vision Board of your goals.

Create a picture (by drawing or using images) of what it will look like to reach your goal or goals and put this picture where you can see it every day. Put this same picture in several places in your office and/or home to remind you where you really want to go and what you really want to create for yourself.

5) Find a friend or business associate to help you stay on course.

Most of us are prone to the ‘shiny object syndrome’ at some point during our lives. Admit it and put a system in place to help you deal with it.

Call a good friend or business associate and say, “I’ve spotted a shiny object! Can you help me talk through it for a few minutes and then remind me of my goals?”

This way you have a fun way of dealing with all of the great ideas that come your way without letting them take you away from your main goals.

6) Keep a Shiny Object Journal.

This is where you simply write the idea, concept, opportunity or project down for safe keeping. This way you won’t forget it and you can even go back and visit it once in a while to add little details if you choose to think about it once and a while, but it doesn’t take you off your predetermined path.

The key to dealing with the ‘shiny object syndrome’ is to put systems and strategies in place that help you deal with it before it happens. This way you, 1) recognize it’s happening and 2) initiate the strategy that works best for you to keep you focused.

So here are your next steps:

  1. Decide which one (or more) of the above will work best for you.
  2. Contact the person/people who can help you put the systems in place.
  3. Role-play the system so you know exactly how it will go.
  4. Write an agreement with yourself and the other person/people so everyone is on the same page.
  5. Put it into action and use it regularly.

There you have it. You will no longer be distracted by another shiny object again!

Next stop is Goal Completion! Enjoy it, savor it, visualize it finished! Remember, shiny objects are fun to look at briefly, but if you look at them too long, they will blind you from your goals.

Coming soon..How to recognize a shiny object for what it is.


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