Appreciation over the long haul or consistent cash every month

by | Apr 20, 2015

Often times when we get ourselves into a financial rut, and I’m talking about the entire country, it’s because things change but we don’t. I’m finding that the information we have been exposed to in terms of saving and investing strategies isn’t necessarily the information that is going to serve us TODAY.

One distinct difference between classic financial literacy programs and our Camp Millionaire program is that we teach kids two different investing strategies.

The first is the classic ACCUMULATION model of investing, which I call the “invest and hope method”. You invest and invest and INVEST over a long period of time and HOPE that there’s enough to retire on.

The second, and perhaps more palatable, model is to create consistent monthly cash flow by utilizing the money you have, learning some easy-to-learn stock investment strategies and gradually increasing your cash flow to the point where you can live on it sooner than “hope” pans out! I first learned this model as ‘Utilization’ but I’ve coined the word ‘Creativization’ which refers to the UTILIZATION of our natural born CREATIVITY to create the lives we want to live now, not in 40 years.

There’s nothing wrong with the first model, and it is important to continue to save and invest as long as you’re able to do so. The question is (and stick with me here), “How will you do the investing and how quickly can you use the cash flow from those investing strategies to live on and use so you can increase your cash flow for now and for your future?”

There are many answers to that question and what it really comes down to is this: you’re going to have to learn to DO IT YOURSELF.

I know what you’re thinking, “But I don’t have time to learn and it’s complicated.” No, it doesn’t take much time and no, it’s not complicated. Seriously. In one 30-minute coaching session with Tyrone Jackson (see above), I learned all about Covered Calls and will be able to make my first little bit of cash flow tomorrow morning. I’m so excited about learning this that I can’t even tell you.

Many of us have given over our financial futures to trusted financial advisors, planners or stock brokers but the only person who REALLY cares about your future is you. YOU need to be in charge of your OWN financial matters which is likely to include learning about investing in real estate, the stock market, and business.

There is nothing worse than feeling like someone else is in charge of your future. There is nothing more empowering than knowing you are in control of your future. Bottom line, to be 100% in control of your life, you must be willing to be 100% responsible for it.

What percentage of control are you willing to be responsible for?

Just something to think about…

Elisabeth Donati is the founder of Creative Wealth International and an expert in teaching kids of all ages (including adults) about money and wealth creation in a fun and entertaining way!

If you’d like to read more interesting tips, trick and philosophy on money and life, sign up today for Elisabeth’s FREE Weekly E-Zine, Financial Wisdom with a Twist and FREE monthly teleseminars above.


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