Money as Debt

by | Mar 26, 2009

So there’s a lot of ‘bad’ news in the news these days. Do you buy it? Literally…do you buy it and when you buy it, are you buying IT with cash or with credit? In other words, are you using YOUR money or someone else’s money? This is how we have gotten into the financial mess we’re in right now…using other people’s money.

Now we’ve almost all done it; used a credit card to buy something we couldn’t afford just yet. I’ve done it. We’ve had this example set for us by Uncle Sam (our favorite uncle) who is trillions of dollars in debt but it doesn’t seem to stop him from spending money he doesn’t have. But that’s a whole other post!

I have watched this movie before and even though it is long (it’s an actual movie), I highly suggest you sit down with your whole family (kids 8 and up will probably get it) and watch it. Then, when you’re finished watching it, have a conversation about it.

As your children questions: What does this mean? How does this work? How is this a bad thing? How is this a good thing? What do you think of this? Just let them explore their feelings and thoughts about it.

Anyway, enough of me. Just watch the movie and learn. The more you learn about money and debt the more educated your choices can be now, and in the future. Enjoy…



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