Happy Story from a Money Game Instructor in New Zealand

by | Sep 9, 2012

Every so often, I get an email that warms my heart…financial literacy wise. It’s usually from one of our Camp Millionaire instructors or Money Game instructors around the globe and often it’s from a parent who is so happy their son or daughter learned about money in our camp program.

The following came as an email from our Money Game instructor in New Zealand. She’s been teaching The Money Game to school classrooms for a while now and is being sponsored by a great company in New Zealand called New Zealand Home Loans. Congrats to them for helping Anita make a huge difference in those student’s futures.

Here’s the email…

My 10 year old twin boys made their first ‘big’ purchase today and I just wanted to share it with you!

They have been receiving pocket money since they were 5.  They get half their age, and it is always split 3 ways (Spend/share/save).  So at 10 they get $2 to spend, $2.50 to save and .50c to ‘share’.

They used to have a ‘moonjar’ to divide these amounts but at 10 we decided they could get a ‘real’ bank account.  Today they withdrew some money from their savings, and bought a digital camera each!!  They have been watching prices for a while now and noticed the camera’s were on special.  So as well reaching their goal, they have learnt delayed gratification AND managed to SAVE $67 at the same time! ($50 on the camera, and $17 on the case).

WE must be the proudest parents on the planet right now!

Anita Stokes

Hamilton, New Zealand

PS:  NZ just had their first EVER Money Week last week!!  Exciting huh?!

Anita…thanks so much for doing what you’re doing for those kids. Their lives will be different and better because of you. Keep up the great work with your children and your students.



  1. Claudia

    Fantastic! As a lover of financial literacy, photography and New Zealand — this was a great read. Thanks for teaching your kids to save, spend wisely, and share with others. There are so many aspects of NZ I wish we’d implement here, in the U.S. A national money week? Wow!

    • Elisabeth

      Thanks Cluadia. And you’re most welcome. It’s going to take an army of financial literacy teachers to fix what’s not being taught.


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