Getting There From Here: Alice and Your Financial Goals

by | Jun 28, 2012

Guest post by our newest Expert Panel Member, Claudia Mulcahy

In Alice in Wonderland, Alice is lost, and asks the Cheshire cat for directions to get out of the place in which she currently finds herself. The cat tells Alice that getting out depends on where you want to be, and then asks Alice where does she want to get to.

Alice says, “anywhere.” The Cheshire cat tells her that if she wants to be anywhere it really doesn’t matter which way she goes!

Do you want financial freedom?

What does that mean to you?

What are you doing to welcome wealth?

What goals, visions, or dreams do you have?

Have goals bigger than your fears?

Dream big, and carry a big stick! That stick may come in handy. It can be used to fend off negative attitudes, beliefs and fears.

There will be those who can’t support your big dream. That’s because it’s too big for them to conceive. They can’t imagine it.

To pull again from Alice in Wonderland, it was the Queen who said, “Sometimes I imagine six impossible things before breakfast!”

If your goal is big, or long range, break it down. It could be a few months out; it could be a years. Either way, you’re moving toward your dream; your goal.

Could you swim the first you got in the water? Did you have immediate success riding a bike? It takes time. It takes commitment. It takes persistance.

Standing where you are, look in the direction of where you want to go. Let’s call where you are, Point A and where you want to go, Point B. The next step is to build a bridge from point A to point B.

Do you need to set up a savings account specifically for travel, or a buying a car?

Do you need to get a passport, or driver’s permit?

Those are actions that it may take to build your bridge…and everyone’s bridge is different.

Do your research. How much money do you need? By what date? Do you have someone who will hold you accountable to what you say is a priority? (Yeah, but. . . doesn’t work in a budget.)

What works? Focus works. Commitment works.

“Make every step you take go in that direction.” — Socrates.

Click here for a free download to help get you started on building your bridge.



  1. Dan Yarbrough

    Thank you! So amazing where such wisdom can come from. Some of the best lessons I’ve learned have been right in front of my face. The difference is being in a position, mentally to realize that I need to remain teachable for the rest of my life. I need to be willing and open-minded to the possibilities that every new situation or experience can bring.

    Keep up your life’s work! Please! Our world needs to know!

    • Elisabeth

      Hi Dan…I know…the best lessons are often the simplest…

  2. Claudia

    Showing up everyday with an open mind is what makes the difference between someone who realizes the lessons learned were right in front of their face, and someone who doesn’t know there were lessons. Intention to understand your lessons will bring realization to them. Happy unfoldment!

    • Elisabeth

      Yup, it’s all lessons and aren’t they grand? !


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