The Easy Way to Start Your New Business

by | Jun 21, 2012

Have you ever wanted to work from home, work for yourself or market a new product idea or invention?

Have you been stopped in your tracks by all the ‘what abouts’ that you don’t know about? You know, the “What about this and what about that?”

If so, you’re not alone. And…it doesn’t have to be this way.

Today, I’d like you to invite you to think differently about starting a business for yourself. Here’s what you do….



For those of you who have been following Creative Wealth and me for awhile, you have probably guessed that I have more ideas in one hour than a lot of people have in a lifetime. I want to start lots of businesses and bring a lot more of my business ideas to reality. And I know that I can’t do them all…or at least not all at once.

I can, however, create as many businesses as I’d like as long as I do them One Step At A Time.

I’m currently in the beginning throws of starting down a new journey that started when I switched to all Gluten Free baking. At first it was a challenge because I had a hard time figuring out how to make my yummy muffins and cookies (ask the neighbors how yummy:-) gluten free and still be yummy.

Over the last couple of years, I figured it out and now I’m in the process of starting Santa Barbara Gluten Free Goodies…an online and offline company that will market my very own Muffin and Cookie Flour Mix as well as deliver fresh, homemade muffins and cookies to local homes, businesses and coffee shops.

Do I know how to do this? NO!

Am I learning one piece at a time? YES!

Am I having fun? ABSOLUTELY!

All you need to do is take one small, baby-step forward on your new business idea and pretty soon you start to see a business plan. A little bit after that you start seeing the real thing materialize before your eyes.

What? You say you’ve tried this method before and weren’t successful? Well, you either had an idea that wasn’t going to work (this is not about you…it’s just an idea that isn’t marketable…get over it) or you needed some coaching to move it along. Either way, there are lots of great ideas waiting to happen and lots of great business coaches wanting to help you be fabulously successful (me for one).

So if you’ve always wanted to have your own business, offline or online (hint…online is easier!), START RIGHT NOW. Take some notes, create a binder for those notes and everyday add to the plan:

  • Your vision
  • What you want to sell, make, market
  • Product and service details
  • Competitor information
  • Marketing ideas
  • Contacts to make or ones made
  • Steps, steps, steps
  • Etc.

Then one day, out of the blue, you’re going to look in that notebook and see your first Action Step and then you’re going to take it.

The next day, you’ll take another Action Step…and on and on and on.

Finally, you’re going to wake up one day and have a full-fledged business of your own.

It’s that easy…

p.s. Take your kids along for this ride. Maybe by the time they’re out of high school or college they can either work for you or have their own business up and running. How cool would that be?

Just something else to think about…



  1. Ida Butler

    This was very helpful and quite motivational.
    Thank you Elizabeth.

    • Elisabeth

      Ida…glad you found it helpful. After coaching people for decades I have found that most people just try to make things a lot more complicated than they need be.

      The only way we do anything really is one step at a time…so much easier!

  2. Constance Foley

    Hi Elizabeth,
    This is something I want to do some day, but need to keep my “day job” until I get the finances worked out. You have reminded me that all it takes is one step at a time; persistence is the key.


    • Elisabeth

      Hi Constance…just keep at it and keep you vision strong. Speak it, draw it and most important ‘see it’ and it will happen. It can’t help itself. 🙂 Keep me posted and feel free to ask questions or ask for support. I’m here!

  3. heiz

    very motivational…very important lesson,simplicity.

    • Elisabeth

      Hi Heiz,

      Nice to hear from you. Sometimes it just takes little reminders that we CAN do it to get us TO do it!

  4. Michelle Gustafson

    (from my yoga instructor) I love saying it out loud.

    “If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t then you can’t. Love, love saying it with different voices.

    • Elisabeth

      Hi Michelle. The saying, though your yoga instructor may say it, actually is from Henry Ford and goes like this…If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.

      And it’s one of my favorites as well. Thanks for adding it!

  5. Amy


    I echo what you’re saying. About two years ago I finally decided to act on a revolutionary, one-of-a-kind, GREEN product for the women’s restroom idea I’ve had for over 10 years.

    I do it part-time (I have to keep my day job) and after a year and a half finding manufacturers and working with graphic designers I started selling my product. Although sales are slow (I am doing it part-time afterall) I have been successful in placing PonPax in a local Outback Steakhouse, Carrabba’s Italian Restaurant and two Bonefish Restaurants along with a Recreational Center, a Community Theater, and on custom yachts. I am slated to go into my local government’s office building when they remodel their restrooms this winter as well as the offices at Reagan National Airport! And all this in the last six months! By taking one step at a time I keep from getting too overwhelmed.

    There are times that I wish I had more money and time to invest to get it moving quicker, but then I remind myself how far I have come in just two years.

    Check out the product at!

    • Elisabeth

      Amy, what a wonderful story of persistence and determination. I usually don’t approve comments that advertise a product but because I know you AND you’re part of our team, I’m more than pleased to pass along your story as an inspiration to others to simply Go For It One Step At A Time.

      I’m so proud…E


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