Financial Freedom – What you are doing, and NOT doing, to create it.

by | Jul 22, 2011

I once heard Harv Eker, the author of Secrets of The Millionaire Mind, say during his Millionaire Mind Intensive…

“We have two kinds of habits…habits we DO and habits we DON’T do.” Simply said, you’re either in the habit of doing something or in the habit of NOT doing something.

This is important to contemplate when you’re assesing your current financial situation and looking for a change… a change in behavior OR in your bank account!

The thing about habits is that they are tricky little ‘buggers’. They manifest quicker than we can track and, if they are ‘thought’ habits, they can be quite illusive – so much so that it sometimes takes a great money coach to help you discover where yours are hidden.

Let’s look at some money habits. (Coaching tip: Print this page and circle which habits you do and don’t do.)

  1. You do acknowledge that money plays an important role in life… or you don’t. (If you don’t, then you’re probably operating under some limiting beliefs.)
  2. You do put a portion of every dollar you earn or make in a savings account for your ‘just in case’ situations… or you don’t. (I don’t like using the E-word, emergency, because many of us money coaches feel that if you focus on having an E-account, you’ll end up having lots of E’s and most of us don’t care for emergencies!
  3. You do invest a portion of every dollar into an asset that will immediately or eventually produce some type of passive income for you… or you don’t.
  4. You  do keep track of what money is coming in and what’s going out… or you don’t.
  5. You do keep a budget and re-evaluate every three months… or you don’t.
  6. You do separate your emotions from money… or you don’t.
  7. You do spend less money than you have coming in each month… or you don’t.
  8. You do take time to educate yourself in the language of money… or you don’t.
  9. You do pay off your credit card bills each month… or you don’t.
  10. You do spend your money thoughtfully… or you don’t (meaning you spend impulsively).

Now I’m not saying that you have to practive ALL of these habits in order to be financially free but, if you did, it would work! At the very least, see if there is one habit you don’t do and make it one you DO do. I guarantee that your money situation will start to shift for the positive.

Something to think about… and DO!


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