Being Positive in Negative Environment

by | Jan 20, 2011

Negative Economic Environment, that is. So many people are struggling these days. They  have either lost their jobs and can’t find another one, having to take work that doesn’t pay well enough or their own business is down.

The thing is, with the advent of the internet as a way to make a living, and a good living at that, there is no reason to be struggling these days. Yes, it takes some figuring out but as my mom always said, if it’s worth putting in the time, get to work and stop complaining. You’ll be there quicker than you think.

Why the internet?

What you have to understand is this: people who market their programs, products and services on the internet do so because they realize the power of the web to drive potential customers to them. This is a good thing.

Someone told me that Bill Gates said something like, “In the future, there are going to be two kinds of businesses: those who market online and those that went out of business.”

I believe this is a pretty accurate depiction of what is happening in the world these days.

The funny thing that I notice on the cruise each year is that even if someone isbrand new to internet marketing, they are thrilled with the potential of attracting new customers with the web. This makes the cruise environment so positive. Every one is just excited and happy to be there.

The beginners realize that it’s simply a matter of applying the right knowledge to the right technology for their business and they will be successful. And most of the time, they come back on the cruise the following year and we find out how great they’ve done with the information they learned on the previous year’s cruise. Makes you kinda want to join me on next year’s cruise, huh?

Well, here are several reasons why…

  1. First, if you have an existing business, you must have a presence on the web now if you’re going to make it in that business. There are simply too many people who search for what they need on the web these days. If you’re not on the web, people aren’t going to find you.
  1. Second, if you are struggling financially because of ‘the economy’, I’m here to say that more and more people have found profitable niche’s on the Internet and are doing very well now. Even though the idea of learning a whole new way of doing business  may seem daunting at first, there are thousands upon thousands of great programs online that can help you get up and running pretty quickly. If you want to know more, just send me an email!
  1. Lastly, let’s talk about our kids. If you haven’t noticed, things have changed over the past decade. It’s no longer viable for our children to be raised with the idea that they just have to get good grades, and get good, secure (hello!) jobs and work at those jobs until they retire. This life doesn’t exist anymore and we have to start raising our children differently. We must expose them to the many ways they can make money online and since they’re using the technology already, it’s easy for them.

If you’re new to this alternative way of thinking, I urge you to go here: and watch Robert Kiyasaki on the subject of going to school and getting a job. And if you have teens, please invite them to watch this information with you. It could make a difference in the way they plan their futures and how financially successful they end up as adults.

After going on this Internet Marketing Cruise the past three years, I can say, honestly, that I’ve never met more positive, creative people looking forward to their futures. And the great thing is that many of them are already passing these traits on to their children.

People like:

Amanda Van der Gulik and her husband Rob of Teaching Children about Money. Their children Xanthe (age 8) and Quinn (age 6) already understand about ideas and making money and serving others.

Mike and Christal are showing their daughter, Nicole, a lifestyle that allows them to take her where they want when they want, all because daddy makes lots of money on the internet. Oh, and this also allows them both to be parents who can actually participate in their children’s lives.

And there were several 20-somethings there who are making great money already, too. I’m so proud of them. There’s one, and you’ll learn his name soon enough, who is helping me create a new program we plan to offer you starting in July.

Here’s a hint, and I’ve hinted at it before…

What if, over a six-month period of time, we could teach your teen (age 15 and up) how to not just start a business online, but help him or her create 1) enough money to pay you back for the program over those six months, but 2) earn enough money to join us (with you, of course) on next year’s Internet Marketing Cruise to highlight what he or she created?

And what if one of the teens in the program (which will be limited to 25 the first time around) had the opportunity to WIN a cabin on that cruise with points for extra effort, reaching goal posts, etc.?

Want to get your teens involved in THIS? Want to tag along when they come on the cruise to meet some of the big guys (and gals?). Want to learn right along side of them?

Well, that’s what we have planned. Stay tuned for a whole lot more. And if you know you and your teen have to be involved (and you should), send us an email with the subject line, “We Want In!” and we’ll add you to the list of parents who have already said they wanted to get their teens involved.

Oh, and if you don’t have teens, you’re welcome to join me on next year’s Internet Marketing Cruise. You can check out our Facebook page here.

Talk to you next week.

1 Comment

  1. Pat Blackwell

    We Want IN! I’d love for my 13 year old son to be included in this teen program. Thanks for all of your wonderful advice.


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