10-24-7: The Combination to a Life of Possibility

by | Jan 22, 2011

One of my pet peeve’s with most of our current education system (and there are many), is that we make the world’s future population learn, aka memorize, a whole lot of facts and figures but we so rarely teach them how to accomplish anything in life.

What difference does it make it you know all the capitals in the United States if you don’t know how to cook, stay healthy or manage and invest your money?

In our Camp Millionaire camp, we do this short, simple activity called Life’s Combination. It teaches the campers that getting the most out of life has everything to do with how much you put into it.

It’s a simple activity that gets them to understand the power of playing at a level 10!

Purchase this financial education activity

Life’s Combination is sort of the key to a successful life…whatever that happens to mean to the person. It’s about giving your all, doing your best, putting your best foot forward. All those saying that we thought trite when our mothers (and dads) said them to us over and over again and now we know how right they were.

The fact is, if you don’t put your all INTO something, you’re not going to ever get everything you can OUT of something, be it a sport, a hobby, a business, or just about any goal.
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botton Click here to downloadLife’s Combination Activity Lesson.Click here to download the Life’s Combination Playbook Page



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